Guidelines for Applicants: Creating a profile and applying for a job jobs.nsw NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES 2
Creating a profile and applying for a job Select New User to create a profile (or enter your details and Login if you have an existing profile) 1 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES
Creating a profile and applying for a job 2 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Click I Accept to proceed
Creating a profile and applying for a job 3 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Fields with a red asterisk must be completed before clicking Register
Creating a profile and applying for a job Once you have registered, there are 9 steps to applying for the advertised position. Allow plenty of time to submit your application, as the closing date/time is strictly enforced 4 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES
Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 1: Diversity Information At each stage of the online application process there is the option to Save and Continue or Save as Draft. Selecting Save as Draft will allow you to come back later and continue from the point at which you saved. (Selecting Quit will allow you to exit without saving.) 5
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 2: Contact Details Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory 6
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 3: Additional Information Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory 7
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 4: Relevant Work History This is a snapshot of your work history and may be completed in full sentences or dot points 8
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 5: Academic Qualifications 9
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 6: Statement of Claim This is where you attach your document addressing the selection criteria 10 Take care not to delete attachments from this section when submitting multiple applications as you may remove them from previous applications, resulting in the merit selection panel not having access to them to consider your information. For further details see: Jobs_NSW_attach.pdf Jobs_NSW_attach.pdf
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 7: Referees Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory 11
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 8: Disclaimer Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory 12
NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job Step 9: Summary and Submit 13
Help! Where do I include my CV? If you wish to submit a CV in addition to your document addressing the selection criteria, it should be attached at Step 6. However, it is not necessary to submit a separate CV as the information it contains will be included within the online application process. NOTE : You must submit a document/s addressing the selection criteria. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job CVOnline application Personal detailsStep 2: Contact Details QualificationsStep 5: Academic Qualifications School experienceStep 4: Relevant Work History RefereesStep 7: Referees 14
Help! I submitted my application but forgot to add something. What can I do? Even after you’ve submitted your application you can amend it without having to submit a new one, right up until 4:00 PM on the closing date. The selection panel does not see any of the applications until after 4:00 PM on the closing date. NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES Creating a profile and applying for a job 15
Creating a profile and applying for a job 16 NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES For more information about addressing the selection criteria see the Guide to Application Writing for Classroom Teacher Positions: app_guide.pdf