Sam Burrell CEO Australian Computer Society ACS - University Compact Working Together 1
Update University compact CBOK and Accreditation Guidelines Seoul Accord IP3 2
ACS Foundation Employers Universities Compact PPP Donations, Grants, etc Scholarships Course Advisory Panels, Donations, Visiting Lecturers etc IT Profession – the stakeholders 3
Why a compact? The profession needs a steady flow of well qualified entrants to grow – universities will continue to provide that inflow Universities need a strong and well respected profession to attract the best students – the CP initiative is the ACS pathway to a stronger more respected profession Our futures are interdependent Increasing demands to recover costs of accreditation 4
What’s in it for the University? Continued accreditation of programs for marketing purposes – in future to be linked to ACS career portal Joint marketing to increase interest of high quality school leavers to a strong respected profession Access to ACS Foundation Discounted membership fees for level A B and C staff to reflect lower earning capability Funding of academic conferences – ACSW, ASWEC and ASIS Strong representation to ACS bodies Access to ACS members for projects, visiting lectures etc Any others? 5
What’s in it for ACS? Partial recovery of accreditation costs Active support from school leaders for staff to join ACS Increased participation in ACS professional activities by younger ICT educators – leading the generational change required Educators as professional role models – professional education starting within the university Access to School staff for YIT ambassadors in establishing student chapters, increasing student membership 6
Parties to the compact The School or Faculty (including a nominee to work with ACS) ACS Branch (BDM) YIT (Ambassador) ACS Professional Standards Board and Academic Boards (CS, CS&SE, IS, Communications) 7
Next steps….. Suggest a small working group from Deans group to finalise the document with ACS Finalise the compact and endorsement by both ACS and Deans group 8
Accreditation Revised Core Body of Knowledge has been endorsed by ACPHIS, CORE, the ACS External Industry Advisory Board and the Professional Standards Board. Principles of the new accreditation process and criteria have been agreed by Professional Standards Board – document is in final draft format. To be trialled at one university before publication Deans Group endorsement is sought for the process and criteria – suggest a small working party 9
Seoul Accord Multi-lateral agreement amongst IT and IT- related accreditation bodies Committed to development and recognition in good practice in IT and IT-related education Six initial signatories – Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, Korea and US (Dec 2008) Hong Kong and Taiwan added (Jun 2009) 10
IP3 IFIP sponsored body to further IT and IT-related professionalism Accredits professional status offered by professional associations ACS CP program accredited in July CIPS ITCP program provisionally accredited in October 2008 ISPJ (Japan), CSSA (South Africa) and NZCS are currently preparing applications for accreditation 11
END Thank you – any questions? 12