Year 10 Parents SACE Information Evening
The South Australian Certificate of Education A qualification awarded to students who successfully complete their senior secondary education (Years 11 and 12) Nationally & internationally recognised Leads to work, training and further study What is the SACE?
The SACE Board of SA Statutory authority overseeing the SACE Approves curriculum for subjects to be studied in Years 11 and 12 Issues the SACE to successful students
Stage 1, Stage 2 Credit points –10 credits equates to 1 semester SACE grades –Stage 1: A - E for every subject –Stage 2: A + - E - for every subject SACE – some of the basics…
Credit points –Minimum 200 credits to achieve SACE –10 credits = 1 semester \ 20 semesters –60 Stage 2 credits (C - grade or better) –Within Stage 1 and 2, there are an additional 50 compulsory credits SACE Requirements
Compulsory elements Must achieve A, B or C for compulsory elements Personal Learning Plan Stage 1, 10 credits Completed at Year 10 Helps students make informed decisions about their future plans SACE Requirements
Compulsory elements Personal Learning Plan (cont.) Goal setting, career investigation, citizenship, identification of strengths and weaknesses Final product: folio (moderated by the SACE Board) If student does not achieve minimum C grade requirement, they will need to repeat in Semester 2 (or 2014) SACE Requirements
Compulsory elements Personal Learning Plan (cont.) Parents – get involved! This subject is interesting/different/fun/challenging Students need to discuss their thoughts and decisions with you SACE Requirements
Compulsory elements Research Project Stage 2, 10 credits In-depth study of topic of interest Research and presentation skills 70% internal assessment, 30% external SACE Requirements
Compulsory elements Research Project Students negotiate topic with teacher Can be used for ATAR Must achieve minimum C - grade SACE Requirements
Compulsory elements Literacy and Numeracy Stage 1, 20 credits Literacy Stage 1, 10 credits Numeracy Literacy and Numeracy incorporated within all subjects SACE Requirements
At Sacred Heart… Year 10: 20 Stage 1 credits (PLP, Religion Studies) Year 11: 110 Stage 1 credits (incl. 20 credits English, 10 credits Maths) 10 Stage 2 credits (Religion Studies) Year 12: 90 Stage 2 credits (incl. 10 credits Research Project) TOTAL: 230 credits
Incorporated in all subjects Communication Citizenship Personal Development Work Learning SACE Capabilities
–Stage 1: 100% school assessed –Stage 2: 70% moderated teacher assessment, 30% external assessment –Stage 1 A - E grades –Performance Standards SACE Assessment
–Vocational Education and Training TAFE or other RTOs Units of competency Training contributes to Certificate awards –School-based Apprenticeships/Traineeships –Number of SACE Credits for VET are listed on the SACE VET Recognition Register –Community Learning Recognition of Other Learning
Self-directed Programs Community-developed Programs learning/community-learning Up to 90 credits can count towards SACE Doesn’t count towards ATAR/TAFE score Community Learning
Complete the SACE Complete at least 90 credits at Stage 2 –Including 3, 20-credit Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS) Prerequisite requirements Comply with “counting restrictions” and “precluded combinations” Obtain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Eligibility for University Entrance 2016 and beyond…
Scaled scores from 3, 20-credit TAS (60 credits of Stage 2 full year subjects) + 30 additional credits of other Stage 2 TAS subjects or Recognised Studies = University Aggregate out of 90 The University Aggregate is then converted to a percentile ranking (relative to the performance of other students) – the ATAR Calculating the ATAR
The 30 credits are called the “flexible option” and could include: The scaled score of a 20-credit TAS Half the scaled score of one or more 20-credit TAS The scaled score of one or more 10-credit TAS (eg Research Project or Year 11 Religion Studies) Scaled score equivalents for Recognised Studies (up to a maximum of 20 credits) Whatever combination gives you the best possible university aggregate!
Used when capacity for student to participate in an assessment is adversely affected in a significant way by illness, disability or unforseen circumstance Variety of provisions available Evidence required Students negotiate changes to assessment with their teachers Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment
Visit the SACE website – particularly the “Students and Families” and “Subjects” sections: Visit the SATAC website for information relating to university entrance and TAFE SA For TAFE SA information, visit Useful websites