Dr Susanne Owen Principal Officer & Leader, Innovative Learning Environment project DECD Innovation, Presentation to Australian Schools Transformation Alliance April , Adelaide E: Website:
+ Background: DECD + Innovation DECD is an invited system in the OECD* Innovative Learning Environment project: Traditional schooling methods inadequate for preparing students for C21 st contexts esp low SES 7 DECD sites/programs met OECD criteria, of 125 cases in 26 countries 25 SA public education sites/programs now recognised within DECD innovation CoP (incl. 11 low SES) : Culture building strategies *Innovation CoP & Prof Learn’g *Workshops & school visits/PL *Networks: internal/external *Practitioner research & support *Website *Newsletters *International Expert sessions *Cross-DECD innovation committee OECD innovation framework : Learners, Educators, Resources, Organisation & Pedagogy, Content (supported by Learning Leadership) Importance of innovation schools & having evidence about student learning impacts: academic, social, other 21 st C skills *Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development +Department for Education & Child Development
Objectives & key current innovation work Evaluation processes (including for low socio-economic contexts): *practitioner researcher surveys & examining reports of impacts of innovations & research skill-building; CoP national & international partnership network collaborations & recognitions & impacts; survey/interviews re site visit attendees uptake of innovative practices Innovation CoP/Networks Innovation CoP support work & disseminating innovations through building various networks Exploring Innovation Visits/Learning Program: To disseminate innovation practices & provide support for emerging sites Practitioner - Researcher Processes: *Application *Research Training *Finalise proposal *Progress report *Presentations *Final report (flexible formats) Visits program processes *Advertise 14 sessions *Promote program & agenda *Register & track attendee sites for innovation *Incorporate research * Follow up Practitioner- Researcher Grants : 2012 & 2013, in partnership with UniSA, grants to support significantly innovative schools in research skill - building & data gathering re impacts of innovations on student learning Objectives (including low socio): Using ‘nested’ CoP model & focused on grassroots innovations : *build systems innovation culture/capacity-building: hosted site visits for wider dissemination of practices & impacts *support emerging innovation sites with practitioner research skill building/evidence re student impacts * increase innovation learning through CoP & dissemination across DECD & more widely, with links and recognition also achieved within broader professional, national and international networks
School practitioner research evidence relevant to low socio-economic students Reconceptualisation (through co- design with students) of physical space transforming pedagogical practice and impact on relationships & student learning *Increased student engagement & ownership of learning, *more students participating in voluntary homework, *more indepth learning conversations/dialogue; *students demonstrating transferable skills, *improved reading comprehension scores (3x higher for some students), *improved problem solving skills How have changes in learning spaces impacted on student learning and engagement? Student impact evaluation Academic results Literacy/numeracy Stud Behaviour Attendance Engagement (TfEL tool) Creativity Social skills Independence Critical thinking See Woodville Gardens B-7: Mypolonga PS:
Innovative Learning Environment project: Evaluation Practitioner research attendance and survey feedback in relation to the initial training day submission of progress/final reports and conference presentations and website dissemination and feedback analysis of survey responses at project completion analysis of final research reports interviews with individual practitioner research leaders focus group discussions within the community of practice and other events in relation to learning and challenges. Community of Practice expansion and activities attendance at CoP meetings and/or responses indicating involvement through and other telephone communications survey/participant discussions at innovation CoP events interviews with a sample of newcomers and with established CoP members CoP activities, contributions and feedback. ‘Exploring innovation’ visits ‘Exploring innovation’ attendee numbers Tracking attendee sites through 6 monthly surveys (commencing at the point of registration) in regarding to changes relevant to innovative practices (thereby gauging extent and depth of diffusion) Community of practice discussion and follow up reports Attendee satisfaction surveys Regional director information about attendee schools/preschools and changes noted and overall impact on others in the region.