Kerrie Thornton Director, Communications & International The Group of Eight On behalf of the Go8 International Directors Sustaining Go8 brand recognition.


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Presentation transcript:

Kerrie Thornton Director, Communications & International The Group of Eight On behalf of the Go8 International Directors Sustaining Go8 brand recognition and profile internationally

Mission The Go8 international directors’ committee exists to: Maximise the potential for collaboration in a competitive environment Facilitate action that adds to the capacity of member universities Sustain quality brand recognition for Go8 member universities Offer a trusted network through which ideas and expertise are shared Provide a united and authoritative source of policy advice and analysis about international higher education

Sharing information and views within the group Monthly teleconferences in addition to quarterly meetings in person provide opportunities for professional development and for newer members to learn from more experienced members. As a result there is enhanced learning among the leadership of the Go8 member universities. Goals and priorities

Raising the profile of Go8 universities and helping develop the next generation of scholarly relationships internationally Strategies are in place to raise the profile of the Go8 in India, South East Asia, China, Europe, North America, Latin America and the Middle East.

Examples of successful collaboration

Go8 European Fellowships Eight annual fellowships to early career researchers in eastern Europe to work in Go8 universities for up to six months. Each Fellowship is worth AUD 20,000. The Fellowships are open to eligible post doc researchers in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia. They are an initiative of the Go8 international directors who have conducted annual delegation visits to eastern Europe since They aim to establish for the Go8 an early position of influence in Eastern Europe, to develop research contacts where appropriate and to attract high quality research students. The Fellowships are jointly funded by the Go8 international directors and the Go8 office through contributions of the Go8 VCs. The annual delegation visits and the Fellowships have been successful in raising the profile of the Go8 with eastern European governments, HE and research institutions as well as with Australian diplomats located in the region.

“The Go8 fellowships have given us tremendous mileage here and we would like to see these links maintained and intensified.” (Australian Ambassador to Hungary) “The direct engagement makes a difference, especially in a relatively 'new' environment.” (Australian Ambassador to Poland) Go8 European Fellowships

Examples of successful collaboration Go8 annual presence at EAIE since 2005 The European Association for International Education conference and exhibition attracts around 3000 participants each year, making it the second largest event of its kind in the world (after NAFSA in North America). It provides a cost effective way for Go8 member universities to raise their profile and meet with current and potential research and exchange partners.

Improving the number and quality of Higher Degree by Research students applying at Go8 universities Positioning the Go8 as the premium partner in Australia through high quality service to national scholarship agencies. Consulting with the Go8 Deans of Graduate Studies about the potential to develop a new section of the Go8 website to attract new international PhD students. This includes commissioning research on perceptions of Australia as a destination for research students.

Providing high level, reliable advice to government including the Departments of Education (DEEWR), Immigration (DIAC), Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Industry, Innovation, Science and Research (DIISR) Regular communication with key people in these departments including formal invitations to meetings and written advice on issues as they arise.

Go8 International Directors UNSW Jennie Lang PVC International (Chair) UQ Andrew Everett Director, UQ International UniMelb Tony Crooks Director International UWA Kelly Smith Acting Director, International Centre Adelaide Joanne Barker Director, International Office Monash Lee-ann Norris Deputy Vice-Principal (Advancement) USyd Peter Ball Director International ANU Darren Brown Director of International Development Contact in the Go8 secretariat: