Dynamic Task Assignment Load Index for Geographically Distributed Web Services PhD Research Proposal By: Dhiah Al-Shammary Supervised by: 1) Prof. Zahir Tari 2)Ass. Prof. Peter Bertok
RMIT UniversitySlide 2 Presentation Layouts 1.Introduction & Background 2.Significance 3.Project Focus 4.Methodology 5.Conclusions & Future Work
RMIT UniversitySlide Introduction & Background Popular web services often suffer Congestion & Bottlenecks Figure 1: Flash Crowds
RMIT UniversitySlide 4 Suggested Solution √ Mirrored Web Servers (Congestion) Figure 2: Mirrored Web Servers Problem (Survive) Figure 3: example: on-line travel agent service
RMIT UniversitySlide 5 Figure 4: A Cooperative and Coordinated Geographically Distributed Web Servers.
RMIT UniversitySlide 6 2. Significance Prevents systems from crashing * heavy traffic conditions (flash crowds) Improves response time The proposed system will develop improved geographically distributed web server technologies * efficient process of client request
RMIT UniversitySlide Project Focus To develop decentralised & cooperative CSDNs scale & deliver services to end-users in a timely and reliable manner. To produce new theoretical models analyse the complexity of network congestion problems deal with requirements (heavy-tailed service demands.) To produce a dynamic approach for estimating bandwidth and network latency
RMIT UniversitySlide 8 4. Methodology Activity 1. [Develop a test-bed for evaluation of load balancing strategies] (OMNET++) Activity 2. [Develop analytical models and compare with results from test-bed]. Results obtained from the test-bed will be used to refine the theoretical models for the proposed load balancing strategies. Activity 3. [Develop network parameter estimation strategies]. Parameter estimation strategies will be developed to obtain bandwidth and network latency estimations in CSDNs.
RMIT UniversitySlide 9 Activity 4. [Perform parameter tuning with the help of the test-bed]. Further optimisations will be performed by fine-tuning the parameters used by the proposed algorithms in the test-bed environment. Activity 5. [Implement and evaluate the proposed strategy in live environment]. The proposed algorithms and CSDN frameworks will be implemented in a modular fashion for integration with commercially available tools for Web management. Activity 6. [Writing Thesis] In this activity, the final thesis will be written in different progressive stages focusing on our contributions that have been done during the work of this project and provide a suitable comparison with other works that have been done by other researchers.
RMIT UniversitySlide Conclusions & Future Work 5.1 Conclusions Develop theoretical and computational models for co- operative resource sharing for heterogeneous and geographically distributed web servers. Propose a scalable based system to assist the creation of CSDNs (Content/Service Delivery Networks) that scale and support sharing of resources with other CSDNs. 5.2 Future Work Implement the proposed system in real time system make a comparison between the results that we will get from this system and the first one that we are working on now.
RMIT UniversitySlide 11 Thank you very much for your attention