MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE Head Teacher Development Forum 4 Randwick College 16 November 2011 Kathy Rankin, R/Institute Director.


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Presentation transcript:

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE Head Teacher Development Forum 4 Randwick College 16 November 2011 Kathy Rankin, R/Institute Director

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE 1. Smart and Skilled: making NSW number one Consultation on NSW Vocational Education & Training Reform

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE Background:  Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to a national framework to revitalise the vocational education and training system and support a more skilled workforce and increase participation in training. Smart and Skilled: making NSW number one

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE The COAG Communique dated 19 August 2011 outlined: Greater contestability of funding for public training Greater competition between providers Demand driven or student entitlement funding Support for the role of TAFE Greater transparency in the system to support informed choice by students A drive to improve quality Smart and Skilled: making NSW number one

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE On 28 September the NSW Minister for Education, Adrian Piccoli, announced a consultation on skills reform designed to: Strengthen economic growth in New South Wales Meet the COAG Framework, and Give access to potential additional funding through the National Partnership for VET ($1.75 billion over 5 years from 2012). Smart and Skilled: making NSW number one

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE NSW is the last state to reform its vocational education and training sector. A summary from the Victorian reforms shows: More Victorians in training More training at higher qualification levels More training where skills are needed People with no/low qualifications engaging more Private RTO market share up to 38% TAFE Market share down to 52% Smart and Skilled: making NSW number one

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE The consultation process closed on 4 November; The NSW TAFE Commission Board and TAFE NSW Institutes including Sydney provided input. Issues: Continuation of TAFE NSW funding, and recognition of its strengths Commitment to industry, regional and community needs An improvement to performance in the VET sector An increase in funding to support additional training Support of pathways to higher education Smart and Skilled: making NSW number one

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE 2. Quality for VET Minimum Qualifications for Trainers and Assessors

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) is the successor of the National Quality Council The NSSC is responsible for setting competencies that VET trainers and assessors are required to hold if they are delivering training and assessment services Refer to AQTF Standard 1.4(a), SNR* 4.4(a) and SNR* 15.4(a) * ASQA Standards for Nationally Registered Training Organisations Quality for VET – minimum qualifications for trainers and assessors

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE On 26 October 2011 NSSC confirmed: 1.Trainers must at a minimum hold TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or demonstrate equivalence of competencies 2.Persons delivering training who are working under the direct supervision of a trainer that holds the Certiifcate IV in Training or Assessment or has demonstrated equivalent competency (as per #1 above), must at a minimum hold the ‘Enterprise Trainer Skill Set’ as identified in the TAE10 Training and Education training package or demonstrate equivalence of competencies, and Quality for VET – minimum qualifications for trainers and assessors

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE 3.The period during which trainers (as per #1) and persons delivering training under direct supervision (as per #2) can work without holding the minimum competencies relevant to their roles is limited to two years. The amended determination will be published in mid December 2011, with RTOs required to comply by 1 July Quality for VET – minimum qualifications for trainers and assessors

MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE The competency requirements applying to assessors remain unchanged. The requirement to demonstrate vocational competencies at least to the level being assessed also remains unchanged. NSSC agreed to not amend the Determination of Trainer and Assessor Competencies for Trainers and Assessors to require equivalent competency to be demonstrated through a formal RPL process, which was recommended by the Productivity Commission’s Research Report on the VET Workforce (April 2011). Quality for VET – minimum qualifications for trainers and assessors