Perceptual Motor Program At Braitling Primary School 2010
PMP A Perceptual Motor Programme has children working through a sequence of experiences to develop perception and motor outcomes along with memory training. Under the direction of an adult, groups of children move from one station to the next covering a number of skills and activities that will assist the child in their early years of learning.
Students learn to work in a group. Parent involvement is encouraged.
Eye Tracking is important for reading.
Eye hand coordination is important for writing, reading and for sport!
Eye foot coordination is important.
Being aware of where our body is in a space is a skill we need to develop.
Being flexible is important.
Listening carefully to and being able to follow a series of instructions correctly is important.
And we can do all these while having fun at PMP!
And for older students who may need help developing these skills, we have Physio Fitness.