Update on Elder Mediation in Ireland Helen Harnett 29 April,
Training of Elder Mediators 7 Mediators gained EMIN accreditation in June 2012 Another cohort of 7/8 preparing for certification 2 training courses – Elder Abuse and Financial and Legal Aspects (Stephen Heffernan, MII EM Liaison)
MII building relationships with Age Action Ireland, National Centre for the Protection of Older People in University College Dublin MII stand at the over 50s Fair in Dublin and Cork MII leaflet on Elder Mediation Talks at events and Conferences Awareness Raising 1
Later Life Mediation submission to the National Dementia Strategy Inclusion of EM in a booklet for older people being discharged from Cork University Hospital (Siun Kearney) Later Life Mediation workshop on Elder Mediation at the MII Conference in November 2012 Awareness Raising 2
An openness to the concept of Elder Mediation A very definite recognition of the need for it and the benefits it would bring At a very early stage in relation to acceptance of the place of Elder Mediation in the continuum of care The Response
Slower to emerge than hoped for but they are happening Issues covered : capacity to make decisions, care planning, estranged family members, issues to do with residential care Complex and testing particularly around family dynamics, capacity and Elder Abuse Time consuming, many take place over a long time frame Cases 1
Co-mediation and/or support from colleagues very necessary Judy’s training, the certification process and the Code of Professional Practice provide a solid foundation for practice Cases 2
Cases 3 Extremely beneficial for participants and deeply rewarding for Mediators
Goodbye from Ireland Thank you for listening Enjoy the Summit!