St. Johns County FOG Recycling Project
What is FOG? FOG stands for: Fats Oils Greases
Where does FOG come from? Most FOG comes from: FRIED FOODS
Where does it go? IIIIf FOG goes down a sink drain, the first place it does harm is in the pipes in your home. FFFFOG cools and becomes solid in your pipes and can cause a clog.
But that’s not all…. Once FOG goes down the drain, it enters our sewer system and: CCCClogs up sewer pipes CCCCauses sewers to overflow PPPPollutes our land and waters
What can I do? MMMMake a FOG Catcher You’ll need: A grown-up A metal or glass container that won’t melt or shatter
A Ask a grown-up to help you Let the grease cool to room temperature! Pour leftover grease into your FOG Catcher Wipe excess grease in pan with a paper towel and throw it in the trash Keep adding to your FOG Catcher until its full Take the FOG Catcher to your local Grease Recycling Drop Point…. Whenever food is fried:
Grease Recycling Drop Points St. Johns County has 3 grease recycling drop points: State Rd. 16 Fleet Maintenance Anastasia Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Tillman Ridge Landfill
St. Johns County Recycled Grease Project After you drop off the grease from your FOG Catcher… The recycling team will take it to a Biodiesel Plant. That’s where your grease will be turned into fuel for county cars and trucks.
It’s up to each one of us to keep FOG out of the drains. It’s better for our homes. It’s better for our planet.