Food Enterprise Transport EnergyCharitable Company Limited by Guarantee 2025 Connecting Dunbar Energy Audit Team BeGreen CIC Dunbar Community Energy Co. Dunbar Community Bakery Aim To inspire/nurture/facilitate/manage our community’s transition to a resilient local economy, independent of fossil fuels. Maximising edge
Community polytunnel, 10 families and village primary school
Apple days
Hundreds of acres of local orchards were grubbed up after WWII Future community orchard?
Future allotment sites?
Food Relocalisation Conference October 2009
Dunbar Community Bakery Limited
Aiming to produce nutritious, wholesome bread from local wheat
Selling community shares £25,000 raised
2025 How do we want this locality to be in 15 years time? How are we going to get there?
SUSTAINING DUNBAR The 2025 Energy Descent Action Planning Process Working with East Lothian Council and Reaching the Wider Community
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Behaviour Change Disatisfaction with current situation DxVxFxtDxVxFxt> R Vision of how things could be First Steps to take us there, guidance/support from a t rusted source Change
Adaption –extreme weather events 50% cut in carbon pollution by 2025 Twin Challenges Peak Oil Vision needs to be grounded in the reality of these twin challenges
Peak Oil Climate Change Local Resilience Energy Descent/Powerdown
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Natural Resources Human Resources Resource Flows Change over time Vision need to be grounded in the reality of our place
Building upon local capacity to facilitate, analyse, plan, monitor and evaluate change… Local people are the experts
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Getting out and about to make it easy for people to map their views and ideas
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Community Mapping: Starting where people are at and where they want to be in the future
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Interviewing farmers
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Tracking who has a say so far by map and Tracking who has had a say by map and age gender and getting out to fill the gaps Getting out to fill the gaps.
“How much of the food you eat is locally produced/grown Very little is local in ASDA / Tesco’s 2.Not everything here. 3.Depends on price. 4.Hard to know. 1.Buy what I can local. 2.Buy Scottish whenever possible. 3.Grow veggies and some fruit in the summer. 4.Buy from Local Shops. 1.‘Make’ supermarkets supply more local produce. 2.Better labeling of food to tell us where it is produced/ grown (not just ‘Scottish’ or ‘UK’ labels). 3.Better choice - more variety of what we can get locally. 4.Farmers markets on High Streets (like in Haddington). Why not 10? Why not 0? Ideas for the future H-Form questionnaire
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Our findings so far: People do want to make changes but… Barriers to change: Consumers Cost Availability Lack of time Lack of access to land/allotments
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Our findings so far: People do want to make changes but… Barriers to change: Farmers Cost Availability Lack of time Lack of local infrastructure Regulations
SUSTAINING DUNBAR People do want to make changes but… Disconnect between producers and consumers Lack of infrastructure Perverse incentives not to change Cheap Oil Driven by
SUSTAINING DUNBAR The end of cheap oil will require fundamental changes in the economy –incl. Food supply
SUSTAINING DUNBAR Positive vision Practical action What works? We need to start building an alternative food economy now and not wait for the existing structures to collapse