Hopkins Elementary Sight Word Project Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. ELL Language Specialist & Project Coordinator Contact Information: Websites: Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website khttp:// k= kor Go to: “Class Websites” on the Hopkins Elementary Website September, 2007 September, 2007
Words Stuart Hamilton 4 TH Grade Teacher Voice: Vernay Gilliard
music Listen to the music.
buy I would like to buy some popcorn.
window The man looked out of the window. The man looked out of the window.
mark I have a dirty mark on my shirt.
heat I could feel the heat from the fire.
music Listen to the music.
buy I would like to buy some popcorn.
window The man looked out of the window. The man looked out of the window.
mark I have a dirty mark on my shirt.
heat I could feel the heat from the fire.