Speed-A-Way Kevin Smith HPE-324
History Speed-A-Way is a code of football, which was devised by combining elements of American Football, Soccer, and Basketball. Speed-A-Way was invented by Nino Cavalaro at Vincent Massey Collegiate in the early 1900’s. There is a coincidental resemblance to Gaelic Football. Speed-A-Way is mostly played as part of high school P.E. curriculum. However, there are no well known professional or amateur leagues.
Speed –A-Way is played with a soccer ball and has the characteristics of soccer, basketball and touch football.
Speedaway is played with two teams. A wide variety of techniques are employed in speedaway, including kicking and dribbling a ball with the feet as in soccer, catching and throwing the ball as in basketball, and punting and passing the ball as in football. In as much as speedaway combines the elements of basketball, soccer, and touch football, in general the soccer rules apply when the ball is on the ground, basketball rules apply to aerial or fly balls, and football rules usually apply in the forward passing of the ball and scoring.
Speedaway is played on a football or soccer field. The scoring of the game is for the team in possession of the ball to advance the ball down the field towards the opponent’s goal line and attempt a score. The opponents of the team in possession of the ball try to intercept and obtain possession of the ball in order to move it toward the goal line in an attempt to score.
There are three possible ways to score points in Speedaway. 1. One point is awarded for a touchdown, which is a pass into the end zone from across the goal line. 2. Two points for ball thrown into the goal from behind the goal line. 3. Three points for a ball kicked into the goal from behind the goal line.
Aerial of fly ball ___A ball may be passed from one player to another in air ___ A player may run with the ball after catching it from the air. If they are tagged by an opposing player by two it is then a turnover, the ball is given to the other team ___ A player cannot hold onto the ball for more than three seconds if standing still, the result of the penalty is turnover.
Groundball: ____A ground ball can be kicked, headed, or played by any part of the body except the arms and hands. A hand ball will be called and will result in a free kick to the opposing team. Dribbling the ball: 1. Overhead dribble—If a player is holding the ball, the player may toss it into the air and catch it again. Any number of steps may occur before catching the ball. Only one overhead dribble is allowed before passing to another player. A touchdown cannot be scored by an overhead dribble. 2. Ground ball– A player may dribble a ground ball with the feet with a succession of short kicks.
Like soccer, Speedaway incorporates a goalkeeper, he/she is the only player allowed to pick the ball off the ground with their hands. Like football, Speedaway has out or bounds, the team receiving the ball from out of bounds must pass it in from over their head with two hands.
Other Rules: ___It is legal to catch the ball off the bounce from a kick but not from a pass. ___ No blocking, tackling, or excessive roughness. The result will be a penalty kick at the goal line into the field. ___When a team is kicking off, the opposing team must be on their side of the midline and outside the circle. The team kicking off must be on their side of the midline. ___ All players, beside the goalie, have to kick the ball up to themselves from the ground in order to run with the ball or make aerial passes.
Sources wikipedia.com Kohlerk.12.wi.us learning community.com wellington.org ridgenet.org