International Adult Education ADE 6070 Morocco Prepared by Ali
Maps of Morocco
Flag of Morocco
Symbols of Morocco
Currency of Morocco Monetary unit: Dirham
Government of Morocco
Prime Minister Legislative Branch Judiciary Branch
Political parties Istiqlal (Independence) Party Party of Justice and Development Socialist Union of Popular Forces Constitutional Union Party Party of Progress and Socialism
Economy GDP (2010): $90.5 billion GDP growth rate: 3.7% (2010); 4.5%(2011 est.) Per capita GDP (2010): $4,708 Natural resources: Fish, phosphates, copper, manganese, silver Agricultural products: vegetables, olives, wine, livestock, and citrus fruits Industries: phosphate mining, manufacturing and handicrafts, construction and public works
Education Private and public school systems Public school is compulsory until age 13 It is free until university level It is bilingual ( Arabic and French) It starts in mid September and ends in June
Different Levels of Education: Pre-school: 2 years Basic education: 6 years of primary school and 3 years of preparatory school High school: 3 years
Universities Mohammed V University in Rabat Karaouine University in Fes Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane University Hassan II- Casablanca University Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech
Literacy Definition: Individuals age 15 and over able to read and write Total population: 52.3% Male: 65.7% Female: 39.6% (2004 C.)
Adult Education In Morocco, adult education is defined as literacy. Thus, combating illiteracy is where most efforts are concentrated.
Adult Education Associations Atlas Cultural Foundation Moroccan Association of Teachers of English Association Amezray AlBouchra
Academic Conferences The 3 rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems Global Environmental Change and Human Security Second International Conference in Integrated Computing Technology
References About morocco. (n.d.). Retrieved from profile/morocco-information-geography-and-history.htmlhttp:// The sixth international conference on adult education. (n.d.). Retrieved from pdf/press/confinteavi_history_overview_en.pdf Map of morocco. (n.d.). Retrieved from webimage/ countrys/africa/ma.htmhttp:// Morocco flag. (n.d.). Retrieved from flag.htmlhttp:// Morocco. (n.d.). Retrieved from factbook/geos/mo.htmlhttps:// Pictures of the king of morocco. (n.d.). Retrieved from search?q=pictures of the King of Morocco&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm =isch&tbo=u& source=univ&sa=X&ei=MDCHT9-AB8Ol8AHW7KioCA&ved =0CCsQsAQ&biw=1311&bih=617http://