Cornell Notes Cornell Note Taking Guide for AR Books Everyone, think for just a moment… How many of you find school easy? Are all subjects easy? Are some subjects trickier? If you think school is easy, do you think it will be easy for the rest of your academic career? How would you like a way, a system to make school easier?
Cornell Notes Format Recite with me: I will… use the Cornell Note taking strategy while reading my AR book.
Name: ___________________________________ Class: ___________________________________ Period: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Topic: AR Notes for Fiction Objective: I will use CN to identify the main feature to each AR book Questions/Main Ideas Title of the Story Author What is the exposition of the story? Setting Time Place Who are the main characters? Some of their traits? What is the main problem of the story? What is the climax of the story? Notes:
Questions Continued: What is the falling action? What is the resolution? What is the theme or life lesson? Note Continued: Summary: Write a short summary of the story you read. Abbreviations are encouraged. However, make sure you’ll understand them later.
Wrap Up On the paper provided answer these questions… 1)What is easy about Cornell Notes? I think _____________ is easy about Cornell Notes because____________________. 2) What is hard about Cornell Notes? I think ______________ is hard about Cornell Notes because _______________________. 3) What do I have questions about? One question I have about CN is ____________________________________? Name: ___________________________ Period: _____________________________ Answers are complete sentences ONLY!