Concept Brief MORS Analytic Agenda Conference
Purpose/Agenda Purpose: Describe the concept for a MORS conference on the Analytic Agenda Agenda: Conference overview Opening plenary Analytic Agenda Deep Dives Special topics Closing plenary
Analytic Agenda Deep Dives Conference Overview Title: Analytic Agenda Way Ahead Date: Early 2010 (after QDR), tentatively March 1-4 Location: JHU/APL is confirmed; concerns about room availability in the late afternoon Objectives: Broaden understanding of attendees on Analytic Agenda processes & products Develop recommendations for improvement Classification: SECRET REL ACGU (all sessions); an unclassified report will be produced Schedule: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday PM AM Tutorials Analytic Agenda Overview Policy Joint Staff PA&E JDS user’s guide Plenary Policy/JS/ PA&E panel Service panel COCOM panel Analytic Agenda Deep Dives Study admin Warfight DPS/MSFD SSSP/ISP Analysis Homeland Defense Tools IW Metrics Data Special Topics Data/Tools mgmt/VV&A C4ISR/IO/EW analysis Analytic Agenda support of QDR and PB 11-15 Interagency collaboration Outbriefs Deep Dive WGs Special topic WGs Synthesis WG
Opening Plenary Sponsor’s welcome (PA&E and Joint Staff) Panel discussions Policy/Joint Staff/PA&E perspective Service/SOCOM perspective COCOM perspective Perspectives of other DoD communities: training, acquisition, test & evaluation, experimentation, planning Each panel begins with presenter highlighting: How does my organization participate in the Analytic Agenda? How does my organization use Analytic Agenda products? What are my recommendations to improve Analytic Agenda processes and products? Q&A follows each group of presenters
Analytic Agenda Deep Dives Timing: end of opening plenary to mid-day Wed Topics/leads Warfight (CC-3); lead J8 WAD, co-lead COCOM rep SSSP/ISP; lead J8 FD, co-lead JFCOM rep Homeland Defense; lead PA&E SAC, co-lead NORTHCOM Irregular Warfare; lead PA&E SAC, co-lead COCOM rep Agenda Review DPS: what were the DPS challenges? Was the range of military options explored within the DPS? How can this be addressed? Were significant risks to the defense strategy omitted when a single challenge was selected for MSFD development? How can that risk be mitigated? Review MSFD: describe red/blue/green forces & CONOPS; were there strategy gaps in the DPS that had to be addressed in the MSFD or could not be addressed in the MSFD development? What were they? How do we preclude that from happening? Review Analytical Baseline: were there gaps in the MSFD that had to be addressed in the study? What were they? Were there data sets that were missing that should/could have been included? What were the tools & metrics used? What was the review process? What insights were obtained? What excursions were assessed & why? How could the analysis have been improved? Downstream use: present examples of the subsequent use of this DPS/MSFD/Analytical Baseline; how well did the Analytic Agenda process support CONOPS and capabilities development or programming? How can we improve the feedback mechanism of the Analytic Agenda
Special Topics Timing: mid-day Wed to mid-day Thurs Topics/leads/agendas Data/Tools mgmt/VV&A/phenomenology: lead JDS How can JDS improve support to the Analytic Agenda and DoD? C4ISR/IO/EW analysis: lead J8 WAD; co-lead NII How can studies better incorporate these capabilities and their effects into analysis? Analytic Agenda Support of QDR and PB 11-15: lead OSD Policy; co-lead PAE How were Analytic Agenda products use to support the QDR and PB 11-15? How could the Analytic Agenda process and products be improved to better support future QDRs and programming? Interagency collaboration: Lead OSD Policy; co-lead DHS How can interagency participation in Analytic Agenda processes be improved? How can representation of interagency capabilities be improved? Should there be an interagency Analytic Agenda?
Synthesis Group Focus What are common themes across the conference: Opening plenary? Deep dives? Special topics? How should the Analytic Agenda change as we go forward: Scenarios? MSFDs? Analytic Baselines? Tools/methods/data? Product management? How should leaders in the analytic community focus investments in increased capability? What did the conference miss?
Closing Plenary Timing: Thurs pm Topics: Deep dive outbriefs Special topics outbrief Synthesis group outbrief