Judy Liu Lily Li Karla Fonseca Company Report
What kind of business the company practice? CVS/Pharmacy CVS Caremark Pharmacy Minute Clinic
How big is the company? 7,458 Stores 203,000 Employees 570 Minute Clinics
CVS Caremark’s Revenue Revenue $123,133 billion Profit $3.9 billion
CVS Caremark Corporation, One CVS Drive, Woonsocket, Rode Island Where is the company headquarters located?
Who is the company president? Larry J. Merlo
What is the brief history of the company?
What are the major products and services by the company?
Innovate and Improve CVS Caremark Colleague Values Why is the company successful?
How does the company market their products?
Have you purchased the company’s products or services?
What good things does the company do outside its business?
What are some interesting facts about the company?