Ninth Grade Academies (NGA) Enhancement Development Project Star Teachers to Inspired Leaders (STILE) Ann Evans, Project Coordinator, HRD-PLACE Linda Medvin, Teacher on Special Assignment, HRD-PLACE Nettie Legters, Ph.D., Co-Principal Investigator, Johns Hopkins University Leigh Parise, Ph.D., Research Associate, MDRC
Broward County Public Schools MDRC & Johns Hopkins University working in collaboration… U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Development Grant
Why NGAs? One quarter of all students (a third to a half of our minority students) leave high school without a diploma. 1 million/year nationally -- about 3,500/year in Broward drop out Success in the ninth grade is a stronger predictor of graduation than family background or test scores: As early as first semester in 9 th grade, a student with 1 core failure and 5 absences is far more likely to drop out. Ninth graders promoted on time to tenth grade are three and a half times more likely to graduate.
Why NGAs in BCPS? First NGA was piloted at Stranahan High School in 1999 funded by an Annenberg Grant. Data (FCAT and TABE) from one pilot NGA was collected to compare with the remaining ninth grade students. Results were dramatic: Absences reduced by 26% Behavior reduced by 50% (days in IS) Student achievement increased by 25%
NGA Enhancements: Teacher Leadership: Team Leader Model Flagship School: Coral Springs High School Data Driven Collaborative Response Teams Flagship School: Nova High School Teacher Leadership: NGA Coordinator Model Flagship School: South Plantation High School Active Community Partnerships: Board of Directors Model Flagship School: Stranahan High School
Core Schools: Deerfield Beach – Mr. Jon Marlow, Principal Miramar – Mr. Brian Faso, Principal Northeast – Mr. Jonathan Williams, Principal
NGA Enhancement Project Project Overview Implement NGA Enhancements in 7 high schools Provide professional learning for NGA teacher leaders, administrators & support for implementation Develop Component Guides with Tool Kit to ensure sustainability of best practices Project Design Leader/Learner model to support the development & implementation of enhancements Planning Team District level Design Team School-based common planning (PLC model) Networking/professional learning opportunities for NGA teacher leaders and administrators
Design Team Members Human Resource Dev. Staff Assistant Superintendent Directors Project Coordinator Teacher on Special Assignment School & Community Experts Seven school principals & NGA Coordinators District level SLC consultant Representative from Institute of Higher Learning Research & Development Support JHU, MDRC & District Outcomes Meets regularly to troubleshoot and refine Plans professional Learning for Winter & Summer Institutes Design, implement, reflect, feedback, refine, codify
Project Time Line Year Year Year Identify Design Team Select three additional schools Compile guidebooks for enhancements Plan for implementation of first & subsequent enhancements Create schedule to support common planning Implement first/next enhancement Plan for implementation of second enhancement and create timeline for third Refine guidebooks Provide onsite school support & coaching Implement all enhancements Finalize guidebooks & professional learning materials Support research team Collect data and document progress
Expectations: Principals Facilitate implementation: Provide leadership, data, and support scheduling teams and common planning Enable attendance for professional learning opportunities for teachers Attend Design Team meetings Stay informed about enhancement implementation at your site Approve grant budget
NGA Coordinators- Project Coordinate all NGA activities at their school: Work with school administration & teacher leaders to facilitate implementation of all enhancements Consult with project personnel & be available during grant- supported planning time Attend Design Team meetings & submit deliverables Network with other NGA Coordinators Manage grant paperwork including budget requirements Set time line for implementation of expanded role of NGA Coordinator’s Enhancement as described in grant
Two Teacher Leaders/School Collaborate with NGA coordinator: Identify and understand the NGA enhancement under their management Set time line for implementation Communicate with school administration and NGA coordinator regarding resources necessary for implementation Work with district project personnel Network with other schools
The project continues... For more information, please contact via CAB: Ann Evans, Project Coordinator or Linda Medvin, Teacher-on-Task-Assignment HRD – Division of Professional Learning & Continuing Education Broward County Public Schools