Disability Awareness and Accommodations
Autism Deaf-Blindness Deafness Emotional Disturbance Hearing Impairment Intellectual Disability Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Specific Learning Disability Speech or Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Development Delay
Objective – Teachers will be able to identify classroom strategies and accommodations to use with different disabilities in their classrooms. Agenda - Accommodations / modifications IEP vs 504 Strategies – Autism, LD, ADHD Review Strategies
Accommodation Environmental Change, Teaching Strategies ⇒ Seating, Room Set-up, Minimize Distractions. ⇒ Multiple Intelligences, Organizers, Pre-Teaching ⇒ Highlighting, Computer, Braille, Large Print, Taped Text ⇒ Shortened Assignments, Types of Notes ⇒ Reinforcement, Tutoring ⇒ Length of Test, Question Type ⇒ Extended time, frequent breaks, Modification Lower the level of material. ⇒ Materials are adapted, texts are simplified by modifying the content areas—simplifying vocabulary, concepts and principals. ⇒ Grading is subject to different standards ⇒ Assignments are changed using lower level reading levels, worksheets and simplified vocabulary. ⇒ Testing Adaptations are used, such as lowering the reading level of the test.
IEP Defined The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a receives specialized instruction and related services. 504 Plan Defined The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.
5 - VOLUNTEERS Person #1 – Person with Autism Person #2 - Personal Space Person #3 – Sensory Overload (Sound) Person #4 – Sensory Overload (Touch) Person #5 – Teacher / Group Leader How does group work feel?
Provide Visuals and Sequence of Steps when teaching. Provide Personal Space or relief from stimulation Be Specific with reinforcement and critique. Always give warning of change coming in schedules and routines. Never use Figurative Language to a person with autism. Teach Social Situations explicitly.
“ ehT kcalb tac tas no eht toh nit foor” The black cat sat on the hot tin roof.
Provide Direct Instruction when teaching concepts. Provide Learning Strategies or short cuts when possible. Plan Multi-Sensory activities into your lessons. Chunk lessons, tasks, and assignments. Always use Visuals to help process information. Always give Intensive Practice and checks for Understanding.
Provide Preferential Seating during whole group instruction. Provide Space around the student to get up or move in seat. Plan Secret Cues between you and the student. Reward good behavior, use behavior plans. Allow use of Fidget Items to student. Always give Active Learning when possible Teach Organizational Strategies. Prove Checklists/Agendas so students have a reference on where you are in case they get behind.
What strategies did we learn about? What strategies were used in this power point that we have not discussed? What might you try? Remember this…