How to Find and Use an eBook From the AK Library Catalog By Nicky! Vaught
Step 1: Search the AK Library Catalog Click into the search box. Select Title Keyword as your search criteria. In the search box, type the keyword pertaining to your particular topic. (Ex. Phobias, obesity, smoking, etc.)
Step 2: AK’s eBook Titles Diseases and Disorders Phobias Issues that Concern You Medical Marijuana Issues that Concern You Obesity Issues that Concern You Smoking Issues that Concern You Student Drug Testing Issues that Concern You Underage Drinking Issues that Concern You Vegetarianism Sports and Games of the 18 th and 19 th Century UXL Encyclopedia of Drugs and Addictive Substances World of Sports Sciences
Step 3: The Search Once you’ve entered your keyword and searched, you’ll want to find the eBook you’re looking for! Simply scroll along the page until you find the keyword in the title. There should also be “(electronic resource)” in the title. Click the link.
Step 4: Using the Table of Contents Once you’ve clicked the link to the eBook, there will be on your screen two links: “eBook Table of Contents,” and “eBook Index;” click the former. Several links will appear that, when clicked, will respectively lead you to a corresponding page or chapter. (Ex. Front Cover, Title Page, Copyright Page, Introduction, etc.) Feel free to do whatever you want here.
Step 5: Logging Out Simply look to the top right of the AK Library Catalog for the word logout. Click it! That’s all there is to know about finding and using eBooks.