2009 Growth Markets How to Sell to the YMCAs (Sal Pellegrino & Precors National YMCA Account Manager, Bill Handlin)
Who are you Calling on? 2500 Ys in North America 2100 with Fitness centers New Y built every 17 days in 2007 Largest Land owners behind…. Breakdowns: Urban Group Metro Group MRC / Shared Services Independents
USAs Top YMCAs Most are Urban Group - first 3 are the most visited Y's in the country. 1.Charlotte 2.Houston 3.South Hampton Rds. 4.Nashville 5.Tampa 6.Detroit 7.San Diego 8.Kansas City 9.Pittsburgh 10.San Antonio 11.Philly
How do you Get to the Ys? Develop relationships Do what you say Top-Down and Bottom Up Sponsorships Host events…Fitness Cabinet Meetings
What are the Ys looking for? Total Package Exclusive deals Want to be entertained/feel important Name drop Reference list / Testimonials Be Creative Want you to be a consultant
Purchase Time Frame Fiscal Yr. Vs. Calendar Yr 3 rd and 4 th quarters
After the Sale Service Y certified Follow up visits Add to your Reference list Functions Capital Campaign / Annual Giving
Speak their Language Ready to be Fit Health Seeker ESP: Coach Approach Activate America Capital Campaign Annual Giving Triangle 2 Partners Residual Lease Fitlinxx Branches, Facilities, Not CLUBS!
Be the Best People dont care how much you know, until they know how much you care Build Relationships Branding Exceed Expectations Keep a PMA
Introducing Sals 2009 YMCA 90 Day Challenge for Best Agency & Best Sales Rep awarded for The most new facility licenses signed in the next 90 days (by May 22, 2009) 2009 YMCA 90 Day Challenge - Open to all 6 USA Agencies and their Sales Reps. Closing Date: Friday May 22, 2009