IT’S ALIVE!!! (or is it?) Add this title to your Table of Contents as page 16. Begin this on a left page. Copy the title. Copy the question below and write your answer. THINK: “What is a living thing (organism)?”
What is a living thing (organism)? THINK – (you just did this) PAIR – discuss with a partner and make any changes here SHARE – after class discussion make more changes
LIVING observationsNONLIVING observations
Read “That’s Life!” (pp 6-7) Go back and look at your description of a living thing (in your science log). Make any changes you feel necessary to give you a better definition now.
Conclusion: Was it alive? Use the class discussion, the reading, and your observations as evidence.
Notes – Characteristics of Living Things Living Things Have Cells All living things are composed of one or more cells. A __________ is a membrane-covered structure that contains all of the materials necessary for life. Some organisms are made up of only one cell and some are made up of trillions of cells. In an organism with many cells, different kinds of cells perform __________________ functions. Living Things Sense and Respond to Change A ________________ is anything that causes a reaction or change in an organism or any part of an organism. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a ____________ internal environment. Responding to External Change - Organisms must _____________ to change in the external environment in order to maintain their homeostasis. Living Things Reproduce Organisms make other organisms similar to themselves. In ______________ reproduction, two parents produce offspring that will share characteristics of both parents. In ______________ reproduction, a single parent produces offspring that are identical to the parent. Living Things Have DNA The cells of all living things contain the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid, or ____. DNA controls the structure and function of cells. The passing of traits through _________ is called heredity. Living Things Use Energy Organisms use _____________ to carry out the activities of life. An organism’s _______________ is the total of all of the chemical activities that the organism performs. Living Things Grow and Develop All living things, whether they are made of one cell or many cells, ___________ during periods of their lives. Living things may _____________ and _______________ as they grow. Living Things Have CellsLiving Things Sense and Respond to Change Living Things ReproduceLiving Things Have DNA Living Things Use EnergyLiving Things Grow and Develop
Notes – Characteristics of Living Things Living Things Have Cells All living things are composed of one or more cells. A CELL is a membrane-covered structure that contains all of the materials necessary for life. Some organisms are made up of only one cell and some are made up of trillions of cells. In an organism with many cells, different kinds of cells perform SPECIALIZED functions. Living Things Sense and Respond to Change A STIMULUS is anything that causes a reaction or change in an organism or any part of an organism. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a STABLE internal environment. Responding to External Change - Organisms must RESPOND to change in the external environment in order to maintain their homeostasis. Living Things Reproduce Organisms make other organisms similar to themselves. In SEXUAL reproduction, two parents produce offspring that will share characteristics of both parents. In ASEXUAL reproduction, a single parent produces offspring that are identical to the parent. Living Things Have DNA The cells of all living things contain the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. DNA controls the structure and function of cells. The passing of traits through DNA is called heredity. Living Things Use Energy Organisms use ENERGY to carry out the activities of life. An organism’s METABOLISM is the total of all of the chemical activities that the organism performs. Living Things Grow and Develop All living things, whether they are made of one cell or many cells, GROW during periods of their lives. Living things may CHANGE and DEVELOP as they grow. Living Things Have CellsLiving Things Sense and Respond to Change Living Things ReproduceLiving Things Have DNA Living Things Use EnergyLiving Things Grow and Develop
Read “What’s in an Organism’s Name?” (pages 8-11) Pay close attention to how scientific names are developed.
Use the laptops to find out the scientific name for 1.Mountain lion 2.Cougar 3.Puma