Adam Omar, Devyn Tisler, and Mike McCaughtry
Feel Good-Do Good Phenomenon The tendency for people already in a good mood to be helpful.
Subjective Well-Being Self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Used along with measures of objective well-being to evaluate people’s quality of life. Pain produces misery more than health produces joy. If you experience something bad, the emotional impact on your life will be greater than if something good were to happen.
Adaptation-Level Phenomenon Our tendency to form judgments relative to a neutral level defined by our prior experience.
Relative Deprivation The perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself.
Survey Question Which would make you happier right now 100,000 dollars right now or a great marriage? OR feature=plcp&context=C35db664UDOEgsTo PDskJxg0KdlkdSpDFn3TrBh6ek
Money and Happiness Money does not buy happiness!