Homework assignment for the weekend You will be writing an essay in which you try to identify what course of action you, as an individual, or your family would or should take when confronted with a situation concerning personal health. I will be grading these essays on the basis of: grammar, punctuation, spelling and clarity of argument/thinking. I also want you to apply what we have learned in Earth science in this essay.
Homework assignment You and your family own a home on Lake Norman. Every summer you spend several weeks there and enjoy swimming and boating and spending time in the water. One day there is an article in the newspaper indicating that there have been reports of a chemical leak into Lake Norman. The family does not receive any notification from anyone about this, nor is anything posted around the lake indicating there’s a problem. Not everyone is aware of the article which was written. The chemical company which is thought to be the source of the possible pollution has not notified families that live on or near the lake about a problem. About two weeks after this article you begin to notice that your skin has developed a mild rash. You don’t think anything of it. Two more weeks go by, the rash gets a little worse and your eyes start to bother you but it doesn’t bother you a lot. About seven weeks after the first newspaper article appears a sign is posted on the lake indicating there may be a possible pollutant in the water. Nine weeks after that first article it is confirmed that there is a chemical pollutant in the water and that chemical is identified. It is a known carcinogen.
Homework essay assignment Question: what action should you and your family take? Who is responsible? Is it a single organization? If you read the newspaper article should you have done anything? If you are the only member of your family who experienced any symptoms, would that affect the course of action you might take?