11 Million Reasons to become Diverse How Diverse Populations are Changing Libraries and Society ATLA, 2013 – Charlotte, NCPresented by Stephen Sweeney, ATLA Diversity Committee
Diversity Committee The Diversity Committee recommends practices and programs related to recruitment, retention, development, and advancement of diverse members; receives applications, evaluates and selects recipients for the ATLA Scholarships to Promote Diversity; encourages collaborative relationships with communities of diverse professionals; ensures diverse perspectives in programs at the ATLA Annual Conference and other activities of the association; promotes research that supports diversity in theological and religious studies libraries; and shares resources and services related to issues of diversity.
Framing the Conversation Figure 1: Populations by Gender (ATLA Member Profile Survey, 2010; Diversity Counts Estimates for Professional Librarians, ; ALA Member Demographic Study, 2012; ATS Composition of Faculty, Annual Data Tables ) Figure 2: Populations by Age (ATLA Member Profile Survey, 2010; Diversity Counts Estimates for Professional Librarians, ; ALA Member Demographic Study, 2012) All of the Figures pertain to the handout, “Diversity in ATLA”
Framing the Conversation Figure 4: Populations by Race and Ethnicity- Non- White Populations as Percentages of Total Population (ATLA Member Profile Survey, 2010; Diversity Counts Estimates for Professional Librarians, ; Diversity Counts Estimates for Professional Academic Librarians, ; ALA Member Demographic Study, 2012; ATS Composition of Faculty, Annual Data Tables ) Figure 3: Populations by Race and Ethnicity-White and Non-White Populations (ATLA Member Profile Survey, 2010; Diversity Counts Estimates for Professional Librarians, ; Diversity Counts Estimates for Professional Academic Librarians, ; ALA Member Demographic Study, 2012; ATS Composition of Faculty, Annual Data Tables )
Figure 6: Populations by Age (ATLA Member Profile Survey, 2010; ATS Headcount Enrollment, Annual Data Tables ; National Center for Education Statistics Higher Education General Information Survey) Figure 7: Populations by Race and Ethnicity-White and Non- White Populations (ATLA Member Profile Survey, 2010; ATS Headcount Enrollment, Annual Data Tables ; National Center for Education Statistics Higher Education General Information Survey; U.S. Census, 2010)
“The swelling tide of immigration setting in from European countries, the character of which is being considered by our national committees on immigration at Washington, immediately increases our missionary opportunities and problems.” -From a 1921 statement of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Break into groups Elect a recorder and someone to report We’ll discuss for minutes and have about 20 minutes to report out Questions to Consider
How do the diversity numbers/demographic trends presented mesh with your institution? How are your library’s collections shifting to adapt and prepare faith leaders? How might theological education in the future make space for this great “crowd of witnesses?” (Heb 12:1) Research covers second generation immigrants extensively. How do ATS schools and seminaries address the needs of second generation immigrants? What can the ATLA Diversity Committee do to support your work?