Score My Team Bonus Program Best Practices – 12 Months
Overview Implement bonus program over the course of months. Bonus program should be voluntary at the start. Bonus’ can start small and increase as time goes on in order to change behavior. Points do not = $.
Implementation Timeline Implement bonus program over the course of months. First Month Implement and review with your team how Score my Team works Real Time Ticketing = 100% Review results with the staff
Timeline (Cont’d) Months 2 -3 Real Time Ticketing 100% Introduce the Bonus Program Start Small: Gift Cards Months 3 – 6 –Add new area of Score My Team into the mix Real Time Ticketing = 50% and Configuration Review = 50% Introduce Cash as Bonus Incentive $100 / engineer / month
Timeline (Cont’d) Months 6 – 9 Real Time Ticketing = 50%, Configuration Review = 25%, Timesheets = 25% Increase the Bonus Pool $200/ engineer / month + $10 / engineer / month Months 9 – 12 Real Time Ticketing = 30%, Configuration Review = 20%, Timesheets = 25%, Peer Review = 25% Increase the Bonus Pool $300/ engineer / month You can extend this trial period if you choose, but you now have the data to fully implement Bonus Program.
Bonus Program (Implementation Time) The bonus program should be voluntary when first introduced. Have at least 10 months of data available before fully implementing the Bonus Program. Minimum job requirements can be set after you have the test implementation data available. Over time Bonus Program should become more than 20% of their pay.
Bonus Program (Payout Dollars) $$$ - Must be incentivizing enough to change behaviors Start Small Gift Cards 1 – 2 months Has to become more than “beer money” to be effective Continue to add to the bonus pool Over time should become more than 20% of their pay
Bonus Program (Payout Dollars)
Bonus Program (Points vs. $$) $$$ Must be incentivizing enough to change behaviors Point levels determine the dollar amount Points do not = dollars