Findings on the skin doc. MUDr Jitka Zelenková, CSc
The skin is rosy, warm and elastic,having no continuity defects. Assesment of findings: Colour, moisture, temperature, turgor, presence of pathological affections, bleeding manifestation and oedemas
Color pale red cyanosis (bluish color) central peripheral
yellow jaundice xanthosis brown grey-brown albinism
Moisture enhanced reduced Temperature depends on the blood supply condition of the skin local low local high
Skin affections macula papule vesicula pustule
Scarlet fever (scarlatina) Measles (morbilli) Chickenpox (varicella) Schingles (herpes zoster) Allergic exanthemas
Quincke s oedema Erythema nodosum „Butherfly exanthema“ Osler nodes Xanthelasma Xanthoma (tuberosum) Spider angioma
Bleeding manifestations (haemorrhagic diatheses) petechiae purpura haematomas
Scars postoperative keloid post- injury
Trophic changes arise from vascular (ischaemic) and inervation disorders bedsores (decubitus) shank ulcers
Turgor depends on skin hydration the subcutis and its structure lowerd
Oedemas are caused by an accumulation of extracellular fluid in interstitium local inflammatory venostatic lymphoedemas allergic
systemic cardiac renal hepatic hypoproteinaemic myxoedemas
Hair has typical appearance and position depending on the sex thin stronger and denser (hypertrichosis, hirsutism) alopecia
Nails are generaly strong, smooth, resistant and of distinctive appearance and color fragile and fraying nails spoon-shape bent spherical „white“ deformed