Sunday Business Systems Using Access More Efficiently Tips and tricks to make things easy
Sunday Business Systems The Basics Microsoft Access is a database with Tables Where data is stored Queries Questions asked of the database Forms Displays data (or records) Controls the entry & editing of data Records are made up of fields Reports Displayed and formatted information
Sunday Business Systems Editing Records in Forms ► Is called a Record Selector Record Selector changes when a record is being edited At this point the edit may be cancelled by pressing Esc on the keyboard Select the ► and press Delete to delete the individual record
Sunday Business Systems Deleting a Record Click to highlight the Record Selector Press the Delete key on your keyboard Confirm or cancel the deletion
Sunday Business Systems Finding records in forms 1.Select the field on the form that you want to search 2.Select Find 1.Select Edit-Find 2.Hold down Ctrl-F 3.Select the binocular tool
Sunday Business Systems The Find and Replace Window Find What: Enter the text to find. Can be any part of the desired field Look In: Determines which field on the form will be searched Match: Any part of field Whole Field or Start of field
Sunday Business Systems Find more records Select to find the next record matching your search criteria Once a record or field is found, you can filter the form to display only the records that match your search criteria
Sunday Business Systems Sorting Forms 1.Select the field on the form that you want sorted 2.Select A-Z or Z-A
Sunday Business Systems Using Form Filters Find one instance of the value you want in the filter's results. Select all or part of a value in a field by doing one of the following: Note: How you select the value determines what records the filter returns. Find records in which the entire contents of that field match the selection Select the entire contents of a field or place the insertion point in a field without selecting anything. Find records in which the value in that field starts with the same characters you selected. Select part of a value starting with the first character in a field. Find records in which all or any part of the value in that field contains the same characters you selected. Select part of a value starting after the first character in a field. Click Filter By Selection on the toolbar. To reset the filter, click Remove Filter on the toolbar.
Sunday Business Systems Form Filter Example Select “Sipex” Select Filter by Selection to show all records containing “SIPEX” in the Program name The results show as “(Filtered)”
Sunday Business Systems To remove the filter Click on the funnel shape in the tool bar The results are now unfiltered
Sunday Business Systems Time saving tricks Press ESC while editing a record Undoes the changes you have made to the current field Press ESC twice Undoes the changes you have made to the current field and current record Keyboard combinations: Press the keyboard Ctrl key and other special keys at the same time: Press and hold Ctrl and ; keys Enters the current date in a field Press and hold Crtl and Shift and : keys Enters the current time in a field Press and hold Ctrl and ‘ keys Enters the previous value in the field Good for when information does not change from record-to-record
Sunday Business Systems Optimizing File Size For Ground Control 2007 users, it is important to keep file sizes as small as possible Technology advances have made digital cameras great tools for writing work instructions and procedures Camera images can be very large and eat up storage space Most PC displays cannot take advantage of the large number of pixels included high resolution digital images 200dpi images most often provide excellent viewing and printing quality Microsoft Office products allow you to compress images embedded in your documents Saves space without sacrificing image quality
Sunday Business Systems In Word or PowerPoint
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