Machines move the world CLIL course Marta Vidal Vidal April 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Machines move the world CLIL course Marta Vidal Vidal April 2011

1. Introduction: Theoretical basis 2. Context: Description and specific issues. 3. The project: machines move the world Little experiment Asking questions Mind map (4C’s and Bloom’s taxonomy). Examples of activities Scaffolding and assessment 3. Checklist

CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning Positive effects both content and language subjects Language skills Flexible tools and recommendations on how to develop quality on materials based on 4Cs framework (Coyle, 2010) COMMUNICATION Language needs to be learned Learning content through language Language transparent and accessible Interaction is fundamental COMMUNICATION Language needs to be learned Learning content through language Language transparent and accessible Interaction is fundamental CONTENT Acquiring knowledge and skills Pupils create their own knowledge Personalized learning CONTENT Acquiring knowledge and skills Pupils create their own knowledge Personalized learning COGNITION Learning and thinking Create their own interpretation of content depending on the linguistic demands of pupils COGNITION Learning and thinking Create their own interpretation of content depending on the linguistic demands of pupils CULTURE Intercultural awareness Relationship between cultures and languages CULTURE Intercultural awareness Relationship between cultures and languages

PRINCIPLES ( Meyer 2010) 4. Adding the (inter-)cultural dimension Awareness 5. Make it H.O.T. Make it H.O.T 1. Rich input Meaningful, challenging and authentic. 2. Scaffolding learning (to understand, to do a task and supports language production). 3. Rich interaction and pushed output Task design for communicative purposes 6. Sustainable learning Make learning process transparent and provide a clear structure.

CLIL matrix (adapted from Cummins, 1984) Skinner Feedback/reinforcement Gardner Multiple intelligences Bruner Spiral curriculum Krashen Motivation and language learning Kolb Organization, learning and problem solving. Johnson and Johnson Cooperative learning Vygotsky Scaffolding/zone of proximal development Piaget Stages of cognitive development

My school is a rural school. It is part of ZER ELAIAZER ELAIA Escola ‘Els Set Focs’ de Bellaguarda Escola ‘Vallmajor’ de Bovera Escola de la Granadella We share teachers: English teacherEnglish teacher, PE teacher and music teacher. We have small groups from different ages in the same classroom (from 3 to 7 and from 8 to 12).

My CLIL unit Subject: Science Level: 5th and 6 th grade of primary education Why did I choose this project? How can you explain this? Everything has a scientific explanation but sometimes we don't know it. Scientists work is about making questions and find its answers. Let’s experiment! I want that pupils formulate themselves questions about what they have observed BE COURIOUS!!

How do objects move? Why does an object stop its motion? How can we reduce the force to move objects?

VISION: I want a classroom where pupils are involved in their own learning process and they can learn from each other.

MOTION FORCES MACHINES 2 LESSONS 4 LESSONS8 LESSONS Analyse the movement of objects. Draw direction and trajectory (easy) LOT Match the line with the name of the motion (difficult) HOT More theoretical Newton’s laws of motion Formula application Data recording Using laboratory tools. Experimentation with some physics phenomena: friction, weight and pull/push. Propose experimentations with easy steps. Difficult content. Reconstruct the parts of the experimentation: materials, steps, predictions, data recording and conclusions. All the simple machines. How those help us to do work? Analysing machines. Create their own compound machine. Assessment

Draw the MOTION of these objects. use The motion of the Skier ARROWS It’s rectilinear motion because it describes a straight line.. Rectilinear motion Parabolic motion Coconut motion Oscillating motion Circular motion Elliptical motion Static

HANDS ON! Friction PROBLEM: How do different surfaces affect the movement of the objects? MATERIALS: Pencil, toy car, metric tape, 4 clothes pegs, tape, scissors, aluminium foil, wax paper, recycled paper, sand paper, a calculator and plastic cable covers. STEPS: 1. Predict the distance of the toy car on each surface. 2. Create a ramp using 4 clothes pegs and plastic cable covers. 3. Drop the toy car and measure the distance. 4. Do 3 different trials for each surface and calculate total distance. Play with friction I/we think that the distancewill be the same different on all the surfaces.

Assessment NAMESLESSON5LESSON6LESSON7LESSON8 Bob ALWAYS MOST OF THE TIME A FEW TIMES I’m trying to do it We are talking in English in the classroom. Teacher assessment Self-assessment

Checklist of CLIL my project Thank you!