Using Necessary Inferences Judging what is Right
2 Necessary Inference What is it?What is it? What is their part in knowing the Bible?What is their part in knowing the Bible? Do they establish binding authority?Do they establish binding authority? Are they human in origin and legalistic in nature?Are they human in origin and legalistic in nature? How do we determine when an inference is necessary?How do we determine when an inference is necessary?
3 Under Attack Many reject NI as a vestigial remnant of “patternism”Many reject NI as a vestigial remnant of “patternism” Those who reject NI for Bible authority also reject examples as binding, authority, 2 Tim 1:13Those who reject NI for Bible authority also reject examples as binding, authority, 2 Tim 1:13 NI is a Christ-approved way of establishing His authority for our doctrine and practiceNI is a Christ-approved way of establishing His authority for our doctrine and practice
4 What is a Necessary Inference? “That which, though neither expressly stated nor specifically exemplified, [yet] is necessarily implied by the clear import and meaning of the language used.” -Walking by Faith, Cogdill, 14 -Walking by Faith, Cogdill, 14
5 What is a Necessary Inference? “By ‘necessary inference’ we refer to truths that are not directly or expressly stated, but must necessarily follow as a logical conclusion from what is stated.
6 What is a Necessary Inference? “But the term ‘necessary inference’ sometimes confuses people, so we will also refer to that same concept by other terms, such as ‘Scriptural reasoning’ or ‘necessary, logical conclusions.’” David Pratte The Authority of Scriptural Reasoning
7 Necessary Inferences Jesus endorsed and used NI, Lk 12:54-57Jesus endorsed and used NI, Lk 12:54-57 Reasoning, discerning and arriving at Scriptural conclusions, Isa 1:18; Mk 12:28; Acts 19:8Reasoning, discerning and arriving at Scriptural conclusions, Isa 1:18; Mk 12:28; Acts 19:8 Without necessary inferences there are many issues left to personal interpretation based on silence of the ScripturesWithout necessary inferences there are many issues left to personal interpretation based on silence of the Scriptures
8 Without Necessary Inferences Silence of Scriptures validated to endorseSilence of Scriptures validated to endorse Miracles and modern-day revelationMiracles and modern-day revelation Sprinkling or pouring for baptismSprinkling or pouring for baptism Infant baptismInfant baptism Lord’s Supper on weekdaysLord’s Supper on weekdays Praying for the deadPraying for the dead One elder over a congregationOne elder over a congregation Instrumental music in worshipInstrumental music in worship
10 Using Necessary Inferences Judgment based on revealed truth, Jno 7:24Judgment based on revealed truth, Jno 7:24 Every inference not necessary, Jno 21:20-23Every inference not necessary, Jno 21:20-23 Not drawn from subjective sources such as personal feelings, conscience or opinions, Acts 26:9; 23:1Not drawn from subjective sources such as personal feelings, conscience or opinions, Acts 26:9; 23:1 Deduced from what is said in the Scriptures, Matt 22:29, 31-32Deduced from what is said in the Scriptures, Matt 22:29, Knowing NI is knowing the Scriptures!Knowing NI is knowing the Scriptures!
11 Using Necessary Inferences Will harmonize with all that is revealed and previously known to be true, 2 Peter 3:4-9Will harmonize with all that is revealed and previously known to be true, 2 Peter 3:4-9 Some said the Lord was not returning because they inferred everything has always stayed the same (3:4). Their inference was flawed because…Some said the Lord was not returning because they inferred everything has always stayed the same (3:4). Their inference was flawed because… Willfully forgot to take into account the flood (3:5-7) and the nature of God (3:8-9)Willfully forgot to take into account the flood (3:5-7) and the nature of God (3:8-9) Flawed inference leads to false teaching!Flawed inference leads to false teaching!
12 Using Necessary Inferences Will harmonize with all that is revealed and previously known to be true, 2 Peter 3:4-9Will harmonize with all that is revealed and previously known to be true, 2 Peter 3:4-9 “Walking according to their own lusts”, 3:3“Walking according to their own lusts”, 3:3 Rather than a determined resolve to do the will of God, Jno 7:16-17Rather than a determined resolve to do the will of God, Jno 7:16-17 Being driven by lust leads to drawing unnecessary inferences that twist the Scriptures, 2 Peter 3:16Being driven by lust leads to drawing unnecessary inferences that twist the Scriptures, 2 Peter 3:16
13 Using Necessary Inferences NI is the only conclusion that can be drawn from what is statedNI is the only conclusion that can be drawn from what is stated “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” Genesis 1:1“ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” Genesis 1:1 We necessarily infer that God existed before the creation, although it is not directly statedWe necessarily infer that God existed before the creation, although it is not directly stated The only conclusion to infer from what is saidThe only conclusion to infer from what is said
14 Using Necessary Inferences NI is the only conclusion that can be drawn from what is statedNI is the only conclusion that can be drawn from what is stated “When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water…” Matthew 3:16“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water…” Matthew 3:16 We necessarily infer that Jesus went down into the water before He “came up…from the water”We necessarily infer that Jesus went down into the water before He “came up…from the water”
15 Using Necessary Inferences NI is a conclusion or judgment that is drawn from what is known, Luke 12:54-57NI is a conclusion or judgment that is drawn from what is known, Luke 12:54-57 When they saw “a cloud rising out of the west” they inferred “a shower is coming” and it was so, Luke 12:54When they saw “a cloud rising out of the west” they inferred “a shower is coming” and it was so, Luke 12:54 When they saw the south wind blow they inferred “there will be hot weather” and they were correct, Luke 12:55When they saw the south wind blow they inferred “there will be hot weather” and they were correct, Luke 12:55
16 Using Necessary Inferences NI is a conclusion or judgment that is drawn from what is known, Luke 12:54-57NI is a conclusion or judgment that is drawn from what is known, Luke 12:54-57 Jesus expects us to use NI to know the truth, Luke 12:56-57Jesus expects us to use NI to know the truth, Luke 12:56-57 John 3:2: Nicodemus necessarily inferred Jesus was a “teacher come from God” because:John 3:2: Nicodemus necessarily inferred Jesus was a “teacher come from God” because: Jesus was working miraclesJesus was working miracles Miracles only by power and presence of GodMiracles only by power and presence of God Therefore, Jesus must be from GodTherefore, Jesus must be from God
17 Using Necessary Inferences NI is a Scriptural and decisive way to establish Bible authorityNI is a Scriptural and decisive way to establish Bible authority Authority not to bind circumcision on Gentiles for salvation is based on a necessary inference in Acts 15:12Authority not to bind circumcision on Gentiles for salvation is based on a necessary inference in Acts 15:12 Authority to eat the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week is based on necessary inference in Acts 20:7Authority to eat the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week is based on necessary inference in Acts 20:7
18 Using Necessary Inferences NI is a Scriptural and decisive way to establish Bible authorityNI is a Scriptural and decisive way to establish Bible authority Authority for the innocent party in a divorce to remarry is the result of a necessary inference, Matt 19:9Authority for the innocent party in a divorce to remarry is the result of a necessary inference, Matt 19:9
19 Necessary Inferences To conclude NI is merely based on human logic and therefore we must accept differences is NOT A NECESSARY INFERENCE – it is ERROR!To conclude NI is merely based on human logic and therefore we must accept differences is NOT A NECESSARY INFERENCE – it is ERROR! Develop spiritual discernment by using the word of God in order to correctly apply knowledge, Phil 1:9-10; 2 Tim 2:15; 1:13Develop spiritual discernment by using the word of God in order to correctly apply knowledge, Phil 1:9-10; 2 Tim 2:15; 1:13