Interdisciplinary Group Wiki Project Triangulated Student Outcomes "To reflect is to look back over what has been done so as to extract the net meanings which are the capital stock for intelligent dealing with future experiences. It is the heart of intellectual organization and of the disciplined mind" (DEWEY 87)
The Digital Storytelling Process
Different Disciplines “The project as a whole was great because it not only allowed me to sit back and reflect on my own personal metamorphosis into adulthood, but it also enabled me to apply psychological terms to experience” Student #5 EN102 / Psychology Denbo / Jankowski Survey #1Survey #3Difference Never3.1%2.2%-0.9% Not Often9.4%7.6%-1.8% Sometimes30.0%20.7%-9.3% Often35.4%35.9%0.5% Always22.0%33.7%11.7% 11.7% Increase in Always
What I Need to Learn “One of the students from education informed me that I am on my way to self- actualization which means that I continually try to be the best by satisfying my cognitive need through reading books and articles. It actually makes sense, I strive for knowledge.” Student #3 Basic Skills - Kemmerer Survey #1Survey #3Difference Never3.1%2.2%-0.9% Not Often6.2%1.1%-5.1% Sometimes22.0%15.4%-6.6% Often31.7%45.1%13.4% Always37.0%36.3%-0.7% 13.4% Increase in Often
Media & the Internet “I could not help but be humbled by the positive reaction when I presented my digital story to the class….great things come from small beginnings.” Student #10 EN101 Counihan Survey #1Survey #3Difference Never4.0%2.2%-1.8% Not Often10.2%4.4%-5.8% Sometimes30.5%19.8%-10.7% Often31.9%44.0%12.1% Always23.5%29.7%6.2% 18.3% Increase Often & Always
Think, Learn and Understand “In the beginning I thought ‘wow’ this is hard. Then as one step led to another I saw it was easy. This project made me see I can do more than I think.” Student #7 EN101 - Darcy Survey #1Survey #3Difference Never0.9%2.2%1.3% Not Often3.5%1.1%-2.4% Sometimes26.1%16.5%-9.6% Often39.6%50.5%10.9% Always30.0%39.7%9.7% 20.6% Increase Often & Always
Group Work “This project helped me have more trust and belief in people.” Student # 4 Denbo / Jankowski “It was an honor to interview the CLIP student.” Student # 11 EN101 - Counihan Survey #1Survey #3Difference Never3.9%3.3%-0.6% Not Often11.4%8.8%-2.6% Sometimes32.0%26.4%-5.6% Often37.7%31.9%-5.8% Always14.9%29.7%14.8% 14.8% Increase in Always
Qualitative Analysis of Reflections Name MemoryDisciplineGroupTechnologyProjectPresentationChangeFutureLikeReflectionStress/Challenge Counihan 80%70%100%80%70%30%90%80% 70%30% Den/Jeff 53%87%100%67%20%100%33%20%60%53%27% Darcy 100% 82%41% 36%23%64%73%27% Arlene 27%53%100%20%7%0%7%40%100%33%13% Lynch 0% 56%50%6% 0%6%50%6%11% TOTALS 53%63%90%60%26%35%29% 69%46%21%
Queensborough Digital Storytelling Example: The process followed during the Interdisciplinary Wiki Collaboration Project: English 103 Student – writes an essay and shares it with an Acting student The Acting Student "PRESENTS" the compositionPRESENTS The English Student REFLECTS on the collaboration processREFLECTS Based on the project's collaboration, the English Student revises/finalizes his essay and creates a DIGITAL STORYDIGITAL STORY