One Billion Dollars ! The impact of IP and thickets on firms
One Billion Dollars !
Apple won the courtroom battle, and rightly so -James Dyson, 26 Aug 2012 “
They are not as cool “ -Judge Colin Birrs
OPINION pogląd
FACT fakt
DATA dane
3 IP
3 THICKETS zarośla
UK investment has changed IP Fixed Capital
And there is a link to innovation EU Innovation Scoreboard with Intangible-tangible ratio
Poland scored 24 th in 2009… EU Innovation Scoreboard with Intangible-tangible ratio
Ideas can be protected, but much is.... unpatented R&D, business processes and skills in UK
Patents are good for some
Very good… for very few
Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities, materials recovery 35% Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply30% Fishing and aquaculture22% Other mining and quarrying-27% Residential care activities-35% Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies-39% But far from all… by asset growth
Having Trade Marks and Patents… helps Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities, materials recovery35% Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply30% Fishing and aquaculture22% Other mining and quarrying-27% Residential care activities-35% Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies-39% Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding109% Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities 34% Food and beverage service activities32% Legal and accounting activities-31% Sewerage-32% Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas-41%
But Trade Marks alone add ® 7%
And those designs?
Well… They’re not European
It’s complicated
SIZE matters ! but
I want to be in telecoms “ -Ragnar Olson, yesterday
THICKETS zarośla
“ a dense web of overlapping IP rights that a company must hack its way through in order to actually commercialize new technology -Carl Shapiro
But little to no PAE action in UK
What 2005 looked like in telecoms
What did it do to firms?
What did it do to firm entry… Lost marginal entry into patent technology space
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