January 22, 2009 Ares I-X Crew Module and Launch Abort System (CM/LAS) Jonathan Cruz Deputy Project Manager Jonathan Cruz Deputy Project Manager
2 Ares I-X CMLAS CDR February 12-13, Mission / Project Overview Ares I-X Overview Ares I-X is a Flight Test Vehicle being developed to provide flight control and performance data for the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) design process Objectives of the test flight: Ascent performance First stage separation and recovery Ares I-X will provide proof of flight control strategy for CLV and data to validate aerodynamic databases and engineering predictions across multiple discipline tools J-2x Engine Mass Model (not shown) Interstage Roll Control System (not shown) Empty 5 th Segment Crew Module (CM) / Launch Abort System (LAS) Simulator 4-Segment Motor Upper Stage Simulator (USS) First Stage (FS) Frustum Primary Avionics and Developmental Flight Instrumentation (not shown) First Stage Avionics (not shown) Ballast (not shown) Forward Skirts Booster Separation Motors (not shown)
3 January 22, 2009
4 Ares I-X CMLAS CDR February 12-13, Mission / Project Overview Separation +270 secs Chute deployment begins Booster, Parachutes and Recovery USS / CM / LAS Uncontrolled descent and impact Separation +15 secs Frustum / Interstage separation Pitch over Launch Thrust < 40K lb-force, FS separation begins Flight Profile Maximum Altitude: 200,000 ft Peak Velocity: Mach 6.1
5 January 22, 2009 Ares I-X CM / LAS Overview Purpose: Provide the Crew Module (CM) and Launch Abort System (LAS) mass simulator hardware for the Ares I-X mission Primary requirements are to match the specified outer mold line and mass properties Primary hardware interfaces: Upper Stage Simulator Avionics Developmental Flight Instrumentation (DFI) Deliverables: CM & LAS flight test hardware with installed DFI CM & LAS Handling Ground Support Equipment Documentation 53 Long 16 Diameter 16,000 lb
6 January 22, 2009 Instrumentation in CM/LAS 270° Pressure Transducer Thermocouple Accelerometer Air Vane Calorimeter 0°0° Total Air Temperature 5-Hole Probe
7 January 22, 2009 CMLAS Test Stacking