It Only Takes One: What Will One Choose to Do? A Storyboard by Danielle Bilder
First Scene CLIP OF teenagers driving on a road
SCREEN GOES BLACK *car crash sound effect* *glass shatter sound effect* Spoken: “Every 12 minutes, someone dies in a motor vehicle crash in the U.S.”
***Pictures of crashed cars overlay*** Spoken: “We know the statistics; we know the dangers of reckless driving, so why don’t WE do something about it?!”
*Clip of someone taking the keys from an intoxicated person* Spoken: “It only takes one.”
*Clip continues playing…* “One person to refuse to drive while intoxicated, one drink, one distraction, one good decision…”
“What if one person is the reason that you are here today…?” *resume music*
You can be a part of the solution… Not the statistic Spoken but also displayed on the screen