ECC Corporation ANSI Member and Secretariat for The USNC/IECQ
Who are we? USNC/IECQ –A standing committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the U.S. National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (USNC/IEC) ECC Corporation –Is a nonprofit trade association and a member of ANSI and the USNC –Serves as the USNC/IECQ Secretariat and the US Member Body of the IEC IECQ International IECQ –IECQ provides visibility and independent verification that electronic components and related materials and processes, including those below the user's level of specification in the supply chain, are compliant to appropriate standards, specifications or other documents.
Where do we fit in the International Scheme of Standards Development and Conformity Assessment Certification?
IECQ Participating Countries 10.Japan* 11.Korea (Republic of)* 12.Norway 13.Russian Federation* 14.Serbia and Montenegro 15.Singapore* 16.United Kingdom* 17.USA** 1.Australia* 2.Austria* 3.Brazil 4.China* 5.Denmark 6.Finland 7.France* 8.Germany* 9.Ireland* * Includes one certification body ** Includes multiple certification bodies
What is Next Address the Root Cause of Counterfeit Components (How to Create a Problem) Remove and Control Counterfeit Components From the Supply Chain (CAMARMS) Bring Together International National Committees to Solve the Problem
How To Create a Problem
IECQ Working Group IECQ Working Group – 06 –Counterfeit Avoidance (Next Meeting Jan-13) 10.Japan 11.Korea (Republic of) 12.Singapore 13.United Kingdom 14.USA 1.Australia 2.Brazil 3.China 4.Denmark 5.France 6.Germany 7.Ireland
CAMARMS Counterfeit Avoidance Mark Alliance Repository Management System