IPC - International Patent Classification Other Classification Systems
Other classification systems Larger offices maintain proprietary classification systems: ECLA - European Classification (EPO) –based on IPC; English only USPC – United States Patent Classification (USPTO) –different philosophy; English only F / FI terms – Japanese Classification Systems (JPO) –FI based on IPC; Japanese, English DEKLA – German Classification System (GPTO) –based on IPC, German only Harmonization of ECLA, USPC, FI by IP5 Offices > to be included in new IPC versions.
ECLA Internal classification of the EPO Based on the IPC, but more detailed: entries Applied by EPO examiners to EP documents (obligatory) and PCT minimum documents (discretionary) > the IPC part of the ECLA of non EP docs may be different than IPC given by national IPO because the EP examiner may have a different opinion than the publishing office Searching with the use of ECLA codes is possible on Espacenet Access: Brochure:
ECLA and IPC ECLA = latest IPC edition + EPO subdivisions + EPO text additions in IPC groups Exceptions IPC groups / amendments not (yet) introduced (lack of time or not good) IPC of former or future editions
Subdividing letters & hierarchy G02B5/00 Optical elements other than lenses G02B5/30. Polarising elements G02B5/30F.. [N: comprising dielectric particles] G02B5/30L.. [N: involving liquid crystal elements] G02B5/30P.. [N: Polarisers] G02B5/30P1... [N: in the form of a thin sheet or foil] G02B5/30P1S.... [N: comprising multiple thin layers] G02B5/30P1S [N: including organic materials] Rules: Alphabetic order Letter – digit – letter - …. 1 dot more = 1 letter/digit more Examiners choice: Selection of letter Deep subdivision
Symbol structure & presentation A47G HOUSEHOLD OR TABLE EQUIPMENT (book-ends A47B5/00; knives B26B) 21/00 Table-ware (crumb trays A47L13/52; table knives B26B) 21/18. Drinking straws or the like ([N: as integral parts of drinking containers A47G19/22B12]; for therapeutic purposes A61J15/00; [N: adapted to emerge from drinking containers when opened B65D77/28C]) [C9804] 21/18B.. [N: combined with cutlery or other eating utensils] [N9409][C9701] [N: ] = “Non-official“ [N9409 ] = New = introduction date: September 1994 [C9701 ] = Changed : January 1997
ECLA "WARNINGS" A WARNING is introduced locally in the ECLA scheme for signalling deviations from IPC, or incompleteness: IPC groups not used in ECLA e.g. see Warning after G01NG01N Deleted / transferred ECLA groups e.g. see Warning after H01FH01F Reclassification in progress e.g. see Warning after B01D, G01N27/00G01N27/00 A NOTE can be used to signal use of special databases in the field e.g. see Note after B32BB32B a Note is used instead of a Warning, because it does not impact on the completeness of groups
Use in
Results in IPC ECLA
USPC United States Patent Classification groups Not based on the IPC Regular revision Obligatory reclassification after revision Applied only to US documents Corresponding IPC of US documents via concordance list: sometimes of poor quality; better use ECLA on Espacenet, or IPC in ICP field of Depatisnet because they are given by EP or DE examiners. >
USPC - example
Japanese FI (File Index) groups IPC-based Regularly revised (once or twice / year) Obligatory reclassification after revision Only applied to JP documents IPC via concordance list URL:
Japanese F - terms codes Very detailed indexation, supplementary to FI Independent from the IPC Revision with reclassification (once a year) Only applied to JP documents No concordance to the IPC
German DEKLA Internal classification of the GPTO About groups Based on the IPC, but more detailed; mostly only one additional level of hierarchy Mostly available only in German language Applied by German examiners to German and other patent documents Searching with the use of DECLA codes is possible on DEPATISNET Access via Depatisnet (click on IPC tab; tick DEKLA box)