Other support information Following NIH guidelines
NIH Other Support Policy “Other Support includes all financial resources, whether Federal, non-Federal, commercial or institutional, available in direct support of an individual’s research endeavors, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and/or institutional awards. Training awards, prizes, or gifts are not included.”
When do you provide it? The other support information should be provided upon request with the just-in-time material. Documents are uploaded on the NIH Commons by the PI and submitted electronically to NIH by OSP.
Do provide other support for: the PI and all senior/key personnel Do not provide other support for: consultants and other significant contributors
Information to include: All active and pending support: Project/award number (with main PI name) Source of funding: sponsor name Project title Project start and end dates Current year or first year direct costs Effort in person months Project major goals (brief statement) Overlap: budgetary, scientific or commitment
Of note If the support is provided under a consortium/contractual arrangement or is part of a multiproject award, indicate the project number, PD/PI, and source for the overall project, and provide all other information for the subproject only. Neither the application under consideration nor the current PHS award for this project should be listed as Other Support.
Sample format for other support As they say a picture is worth a thousand words!! Let’s look at the example.
Summary Keep records of new awards!