The U.S. Merchant Marine and America’s Maritime Security Owen J. Doherty Maritime Administration Director, Office of Security
WHAT ARE WE PROTECTING? Maintain our way of life, economic prosperity. Security is an All Hands Evolution *Maximize stakeholder input - Balance Commerce vs. Security * Risk-based Approach * Performance-based Standards One of the key challenges is balancing security with the increased volumes of cargo forecasted.
Public/Private Information Sharing Supports the optimization & security of the transportation system Congestion Future Freight Our transportation system is at risk to keep up with the growth Information Sharing provides means to optimize the transportation system Natural or man-made disruptions stress the transportation system and our economic security Private industry is our “eyes and ears” to detect anomalies in the transportation system Government to Industry information assist to optimize the transportation system and RECOVER from disruptions
Department of Transportation Mission Safety Mobility Economic Viability Fast, Safe, Efficient, and convenient transportation at the lowest cost consistent with National Objectives
Supply Chain Security and Productivity Integrated System Transparency Accountability Supply chain security and productivity need to be harmonized where feasible. Condition and performance of the transportation system to optimize cargo flow Vs. Transparency for security and ability to detect anomalies
Supply Chain Components Producers Distributors Retailers Customers Supply chain is more developed and complex Need to reach back to cargo origin Containers are no longer staffed at the port Transportation and Logistics Service Providers
Domain Awareness People Cargo Conveyances Partnerships Air Land Sea Space Cyber Awareness Prevention Protection Response Recovery Policy Systems
MDA SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Observables Collect Fuse Analyze Disseminate Decide/Act Vessels People Facilities Cargo Infrastructure Sea lanes Threats Friendly forces Weather Sensors Operators & field personnel Intel. agencies Open source Private sector data Law Enf Intl Sources Strategic Operational Tactical Networks Displays Command Centers Tracks w/ tracks Data w/ data Tracks w/ Data Anomaly Detection Pattern Recog & analysis Compare w/ rules Research tools
Principles of the National Strategy for Maritime Security Preserving the freedom of the seas Facilitate and defend commerce Facilitate the movement of desirable goods and people across our borders Guiding Principle Maritime security is required to preserve freedom of the seas and Facilitate global commerce and prosperity and Protect the Ocean’s natural resources and Uphold civil liberties and the rights guaranteed under to Constitution Since all nations benefit from this collective security, all nations must share in the responsibility for maintaining maritime security by countering the threats in this domain.
Work Force Training: USMMA, State Maritime Academies; Union Schools Jobs: Employment up; LNG Jobs
National Security Commercial Mobility Need for both is a vital interest of the United States The logistics support to Combatant Commanders depends on the commercial fleet for sustainment of forces Our economic security is dependent on a healthy US Merchant Fleet Work force development is the foundation along with policies to support the growth of our industry Provides manpower for the Government owned contractor operated surge fleet Highly trained-skilled mariners for safe vessel operation– protect the environment
Strong U.S. Flag Merchant Marine Global Partnerships Strong U.S. Navy/U.S. Coast Guard