The FCCs Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) July 14, 2009
Todays speakers Larry Walke – Associate General Counsel, NAB John Healy – Communications Systems Analysis Division, Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau, FCC David Layer – Senior Director, Advanced Engineering, NAB
The Purpose & History of DIRS
DIRS Purposes: –To collect and provide information on status of communications infrastructure during major disasters –Be a conduit for passing information between communications providers and government agencies Properties: –Voluntary –Web-Based
Scope of DIRS Communications status in a disaster area Broadcast – AM, FM, TV stations Wireline carriers (switches, facilities, blocking) 911 Network - PSAPs Wireless (switches, cell sites by county) CATV systems
Process during Katrina (before DIRS) Daily phone calls to find out radio and TV station status Information manually summarized Companies sometimes contacted by several agencies No direct way for companies to request assistance Labor intensive process
Why Develop DIRS Need information on status of communications Need daily updates Need process to be automated Need consistent data Need the right points-of-contact Need a way for companies to ask for assistance, e.g., need a generator
Prior DIRS Activations 2008 activations: –Tropical Storm Fay –Hurricane Gustav –Hurricane Ike 2009 activations (so far): –Kentucky ice storm
Disaster Data Collection Activated Companies Access DIRS Companies Input Data FCC Generates Tables & Input for Reports Generate Report, Charts, Maps NCS Write Formal Report Send Info to White House/JTRB, ESF2 Agencies Disaster Data Collection Activated FCC Notifies Companies Company Activity Done Daily FCC Activity NCS Activity Disaster reporting process
What happens if DIRS is activated? sent to all active contacts in DIRS containing the URL of DIRS Users will be given a date and time when the first set of reports is due The will state that updates are due daily Public Notice will be issued
Why is DIRS Good for Broadcasters?
DIRS Simple process Easy to sign-up Easy to update during disaster Identify stations needs (fuel, generator, etc.)
DIRS Helps federal agencies manage disasters FCC, FEMA, other public safety officials can potentially help broadcasters Helps coordination with other communications service providers
Signing up for DIRS
Finding DIRS -or- Google FCC DIRS – should be first suggestion -or- Start from –Select Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau –Select Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS)
FCC home page
PS&HS Bureau home page
DIRS home page
DIRS login page
New user page
Reporting Company – new users can IGNORE this field
New user page Reporting Company – new users can IGNORE this field
New user page New Company – new users enter their company name here (best to enter frequency and call sign for an individual station)
New user page Company ID – Only used for stations that are being coordinated as a group; others just ignore this field. Type of Company – select Broadcaster
New user page Contact info – enter information for person who will be primarily responsible for DIRS access at station
New user page Hit SUBMIT when form is completed
Signing up Once you SUBMIT new user form, you will immediately see a window assigning you a USERNAME and PASSWORD. These can be changed when you login to DIRS Contact John Healy for information about managing groups
Using DIRS
Only use DIRS when activated (for your area) by FCC FCC contacts registered users by when DIRS is activated (also when deactivated)
Using DIRS
When DIRS is activated for your area, provide daily updates To do so: –LOGIN –Select Display/Update Reports –Select Disaster and Report Type (Broadcast) and RETRIEVE –Enter information
DIRS login page
Main menu
Facility ID – FCC facility identifier Type of Service – select Broadcast Status – choices are up, down, down but programming sent to another transmitter Power Status of Transmitter – choices are on commercial, no power, on generator, on battery, unknown
Add/Update Generator available – choices are yes, no, not applicable, unknown Fuel – choices are no fuel, adequate fuel/adequate delivery, inadequate fuel/adequate delivery, adequate fuel/ delivery risk, inadequate fuel/ delivery risk, unknown
Add/Update Hit SUBMIT when form is completed
DIRS Questions?
Additional Information Larry Walke: –Tel – John Healy: –Tel – David Layer: –Tel –