1 Accessibility in the International Community. 2 Participants Hiroshi Kawamura Director of the International and Information Departments Japanese Society.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Accessibility in the International Community

2 Participants Hiroshi Kawamura Director of the International and Information Departments Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Inmaculada Placencia Porrero Applications Relating to the Disabled and Elderly Information Society Directorate General European Commission Judy Brewer Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Moderator - Skip Crane (Forum Staff)

3 The European Union, Member States, Institutions and Policies European versus National Disability policies and activities European research and development in Assistive Technologies e-Europe action plan

4 European Policies and National Legislation (1 of 2) Amsterdam treaty, article 13: anti discrimination clause EU policies:(social, employment, transport, ICT … Key documents: –Barrier free Europe Communication ( prot/disable/publications_en.htm) –Council directive on equal access to employment ( ex/7003_en.html)

5 European Policies and National Legislation (2 of 2) The people with disabilities and their European representation: –European Disability Forum –

6 European Research for People With Disabilities and Older Persons (1 of 2) Fame work programmes, COST, TIDE, Actual activities: IST 6 Frame work programme http/

7 European Research for People With Disabilities and Older Persons (2 of 2) Thematic Priorities: Empowering technologies Barrier free technologies Instruments: integrated projects, networks of excellence, art 169 International cooperation

8 e-Europe Action Plan : A Policy Initiative in the Information Society Review of relevant legislation to conform to accessibility principles: Adoption of WAI guidelines Publication of Design for all standards Establish a Design for all network of excellence and creation of a European curriculum htm