The Initiating Group – the beating heart of your new transition project!!
How does it start? Ill invite friends to – Meet at my house – Meet at the pub Break out from LA21, peak oil or other group Transition talk, film open space event or other course or workshop
First steps? Get to know whos in the group Set intent – vision, mission, aim Establish how you will work – ground rules? The first steps take time – maybe a few meetings When will your work be done?
Stages of group formation mourning
For each event or activity you do there is a cycle of Dont forget to celebrate!!! Performing (re)vision plan do celebrate evaluate
Skills needed Organising – booking rooms, DVDs, speaker, projector and screen, refreshments, facilitator etc Facilitating meetings – agenda, inclusion, etc Running talks; dealing with process Publicity – press, website, Managing information – lists, website Public speaking Networking with existing organisations - contacts Connected with people in your community Leadership Relationship skills – group dynamics, managing conflict? Passion and commitment
Next step Seep yourself in permaculture and po and cc, heart and soul, anything.... … so that you can read the field You have the job as the initiating group of having to put stuff out read the field and then see what comes back, and then work out your next step.
Sustaining the group Keep your learning going – – arrange training for the group… share skills, books, articles, information… support each other in attending courses… put on events that you want to go to! Find activities which deepen you and the group – Joanna Macy, Pacha mama or other workshops… Outdoor group activities… Shared meals with no agenda!! Review your balance of giving and taking – take steps to keep yourselves sustainable!!