Para Evaluation System
Who does this cover Special Education Aides, Assistants Secretaries Job Coaches Certified Occupational Assistants Speech Assistants Building Aides and Safety Team members CIC support staff
Summary of Requirements Mini-observationsSummative Evaluation Comments First Year Para’s2 mini-observation in the first 120 day, 1 additional mini observation 2 Summative Evaluations, one before January 1 st, Second before the end of the year 2 nd Year and Beyond 2 mini-observations during the year 1 Summative Evaluation during the year Phase III2 minis within 60 days 1 Summative within 60 days A staff member not meeting our standards 2 more minis in the next 60 days if they have a positive evaluation 1 more summative within the next 60 days if the first summative was positive