Do Now Who is the head of the Executive Branch? What are the 2 parts of Congress? The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution make up the ________________.
CEnotes 39-40 NC Branches
Objectives SWBAT explain the powers of North Carolina’s legislative branch SWBAT explain the powers of North Carolina’s executive branch SWBAT compare North Carolina’s amendment process with the process for amending the US Constitution.
Notes 50 Legislative Branch Powers: General Assembly: House & Senate Powers: Passes statutes (laws for the state) Sets up local governments through charters. determines the powers of executive/state agencies debates/approves the state’s budget override veto (3/5 vote)
Notes 50 Citizens can also pass laws directly through _____________ (getting the law on the ballot) and _____________(actually voting on the law)
Initiative V. Referendum Initiative: when the people start an action in an effort to propose a new law Referendum: when the people vote on the initiative
Notes 50 Legislative Problem: Gerrymandering when officials make voting districts that have all their supporters so they never lose office.
Gerrymandering Redrawing district lines in a state to favor a particular political party A way politicians cheat in order to be elected! 12th District of Mel Watt
Incorporation: all state laws, city town ordinances must follow the 14th Amendment and the Bill of Rights
Notes 50 Executive Branch Governor & Lieutenant Governor Represents NC Powers: Represents NC Appoints cabinet members proposes state budget veto legislation (line item veto) Lieutenant Governor: takes over if Gov. dies, also is the “president of the senate” and has the tiebreaking vote in the NC Senate.
Spotlight on the NC governor’s Veto power: The NC governor was given the veto power in 1996, this strengthened the executive branch and gave the governor more say over the legislative process. Current governor: Beth Purdue
Line-Item Veto V. Presidential Veto Powers of Pres. V. Governor Line-Item Veto: The Governor may veto parts of a bill he disagrees with and keep the parts he agrees with Presidential Veto: an “all or nothing” decision. The president must approve or reject the entire bill.
Notes 50 Council of State: 8 ELECTED heads of state agencies advise the governor Secretary of State Attorney General Commissioner of Agriculture Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Labor Superintendent of Public Instruction State Treasurer State Auditor
Notes 50 Cabinet- 10 Heads of state agencies appointed by the Governor Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Crime Control & Public Safety Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Transportation
Notes 50 Law Enforcement: State Police, Sheriff (county), Police (city/town)
Law Enforcement State Police Sheriff-County City/Town Police
Notes 53 Judicial Branch (NC Article IV): State Supreme Court (7 elected justices, serve 8 yr terms): power of judicial review. Court of Appeals (15 Judges) Superior Court (46 districts) District Court (39 county) Every case must work its way up the court system EXCEPT: Death Penalty “Capital Punishment” cases go directly from Superior to Supreme Court.
NOTES 53 NC Supreme Court Cases: When the NC Supreme court makes a decision it becomes the law in the state of North Carolina. -->NOTE: The US Supreme Court can still reverse NC’s Supreme Court Decisions and declare parts of the NC Constitution to be unconstitutional.
State vs. Mann (1829): Determined that slaves are property State vs. Mann (1829): Determined that slaves are property. Slave owner’s (John Mann) assault conviction overturned because slaves were NOT citizens.
Leandro v. North Carolina (1997): Parents in poor counties sue about unequal educational opportunities The parents win unanimously! NC Supreme Court said: All NC children have a constitutional right to the “equal opportunity to receive a sound basic education.” Article IX (9) of the NC Constitution
Leandro’s Impact IMPACT: Funding for schools should be equally distributed 2002 Judge Manning decided the problems in poor school districts were bigger than just money. He mandated that the state (Governor and General Assembly) take responsibility for improving the poor school districts. This meant… More qualified teachers, more EOCs/EOGs, Only a level 3/4 is passing, better school administrators, $ for at risk students, $ for pre-school/kindergarten programs, more money to poor school districts to supplement property tax.
Charter Schools: A good idea? Charter Schools: free but have admissions requirements Are usually less diverse than traditional public schools More autonomy to do their own thing May take funding and high performing students from public schools Give students a free alternative to public schools where there is more structure
Exit Slip Who is the head of the STATE executive branch? What is the State’s Legislative branch called? What is the highest court in the state called?