TV Advertising Facts Makes you think…
Are programs better/worse? Confronted for the first time with a staggering drop in advertising revenue, all four major broadcast television networks are contemplating sweeping changes to the face of prime-time programming. Network executives say they are determined to slash production costs by as much as 40 percent by seeking to phase out many of their multimillion-dollar deals with writers, producers and stars and reducing the number of new series in development. The economic picture for the networks is continuing to deteriorate in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The networks lost a total of $188 million in revenue during the five days they suspended advertising to provide uninterrupted news coverage. The steep cost cutting probably will alter network entertainment: less original programming, more reruns, fewer big names in starring roles and a merging of advertising and programming. – Debt Proof Living July 2007 with permission.
What does that mean to you? How do you feel this is going to affect the shows for next season? How is this going to affect the amount of commercials seen on your TV programs? Is this good or bad in your opinion? Blog these questions and save them to the appropriate file.
How much? According to a 2004 study by the American Psychological Association, companies spend $12 billion annually on advertising aimed directly at children and teens. – Debt Proof Living July 2007 used with permission.
How does this affect you? Do you like the commercials you watch? Do you think they are selling to you? Give some examples of ads selling to you that affect the purchases your parents make. Please list at least 2. More is you like. Does this advertising work? Why or Why not?
Come back often! More will be added as I come across them. If you see one send me a link in your journal and I will add it.