What Do We Use Robots for? The Military Robot Gateway to Technology
The Military Robot Two thousand five hundred American military personnel have been killed in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, and over 200 more have died in Afghanistan.
The Military Robot Now, in an effort to stem the casualties, the Pentagon is funding research into robots that can perform some of the troops' most dangerous tasks.
The Military Robot Tasks: – Emmanuel Collins is leading a project at Florida State University, which is developing robots that can perform some tasks currently carried out by humans on the battlefield – They do reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition, so what we're trying to do is develop the technology to replace the soldier in those particular tasks".
The Military Robot …”We're replacing a soldier driving a vehicle with a robotic vehicle” …but now, of course, the soldier is no longer directly in the line-of-fire for the enemy.
The Military Robot Training: – scientists say it could be 10 years before unmanned ground robots are used in actual war situations. – We start with just computer simulation. But the problem with computer simulation is it's difficult to take into account a lot of the factors that actually occur when you actually implement things in hardware,
The Military Robot Training: – The next step is to implement them in our own lab in our own robots, which are simpler, smaller robots than the Army is using for these tasks. Then once we have it mastered in our own lab then we transfer it to an Army vehicle that's used specifically for that purpose and then they put it through a gamut of tests.
The Military Robot Israeli Military Robot Is Built to Kill (Mini-Uzi Included) The VIPeR combat drone looks like a toy, but fights like a pint-size commando. By Erin 1 June 1, :05 AM Text Size: A. A. A Very few drones are built to kill. Even the missile-firing Predator UAV was originally designed for aerial reconnaissance, with some units later modified for combat duty. But for the Israeli-manufactured VIPeR (Versatile, Intelligent, Portable Robot), delivering firepower isn't an afterthought — it's practically job one. icsthe missile-firing Predator UAV some units later modified ics
The Military Robot Designed to act as a partner to dismounted troops in urban environments, t 9-in.-tall, 25-pound. VIPeR can accept various sensor packages, including infrared cameras and software that maps buildings as the drone moves through them, an explosives sniffer and a device that shoots jets of water to disarm bombs. It can open fire with a mini-Uzi submachine gun or release grenades from a 4-ft.-long robotic arm.
The Military Robot At just 18 in. wide, and e Equipped with innovative treads that change shape to help boost it over obstacles, Can navigate cramped hallways and climb stairs to seek out targets. It can't open fire autonomously, like South Korea's Intelligent Surveillance & Security Guard Robot, essentially an armed guard tower that can target potential intruders. VIPeR is remotely controlled via a harness and helmet-mounted display, with a human operator ultimately deciding whether to pull the trigger. According to its manufacturer, Elbit Systems, VIPeR will be deployed by Israel Defense Forces infantry after field testing.
The Military Robot Advantages: – Saves servicemen’ lives – Can get where human Servicemen can’t. – More reliable intel that is streamed and looked at in real time.—More current and relavent! –
The Military Robot Disadvantages: – Can not make real life and decisions. – Has the potential to be ‘hacked’ and turned against our troops. – Do you want to work with a machine that has to make on the fly and death decisions?? – Hi-Tech needs a maintenance crew where ever the robot is deployed.
The Military Robot Impact on society: – Spanish researchers conclusions show that the enormous automation capacity of robots and their ability to interact with humans will cause a technological imbalance over the next 12 years between those who have them and those who do not
The Military Robot Impact on Society: – a revolution in robotics after which they will no longer be sophisticated machines, but tools to be used on a daily basis, helping us with a large number of work and social activities. Exoskeletons to help disabled people move, Intelligent implants in the brain, which will improve our rational thought, and nanorobots to be released into the blood to clean our arteries. The replacement of people working in the areas of security, surveillance or defence. According to Professor López Peláez, it is predicted that 40% of armies will be automated with robot soldiers by 2020 “just as a car factory is today, which will result in less human deaths during violent conflicts”.
The Military Robot One such use will be in a medical context, as exoskeletons to help disabled people move, helping to make them less dependent on others. Even more significant will be the insertion of robots into our bodies, such as intelligent implants in the brain, which will improve our rational thought, and nanorobots to be released into the blood to clean our arteries. Another important role will be the replacement of people working in the areas of security, surveillance or defence. According to Professor López Peláez, it is predicted that 40% of armies will be automated with robot soldiers by 2020 “just as a car factory is today, which will result in less human deaths during violent conflicts”. Pages The Robotics Industries Association wants to remind the American public that automation can create jobs for people just as easily as others worry they may take them away.Robotics Industries Association robotics industry strengthens the US economy. Robots have a significant impact on the global economy by increasing production levels and decreasing (over the long term) production costs while requiring less human labor.
The Military Robot RIA’s other major evidence that automation is good for the (US) economy is that the creation of robots is itself creating jobs. Since its inception in 1974, the RIA has come to represent some 225 companies in the robotics industry.
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