Duties and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens
Legal Duties These are actions a citizen MUST do to stay within the law.
An American citizen MUST … Obey laws passed by Congress (federal laws) And laws passed by state and local legislatures.
An American citizen MUST … Serve as a witness if asked by the Court to do so. A witness must respond to a court- order to appear before the court, called a subpoena. “ I swear to tell the truth, the whole, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. ”
An American citizen MUST … Serve on a jury. Employers must allow citizens to serve with no problems if asked. Citizens can be excused if they can show that serving would cause hardship.
Civic Responsibilities These are actions a citizen should do on a voluntary basis to be a good citizen.
An American citizen SHOULD … Vote in federal, state, and local elections. The voting age in the United States is 18 according to the 26 th Amendment (1971) 51% is a majority and wins the vote.
An American citizen SHOULD … Run for political office Only if he or she feels a contribution can be made. The candidate must file with the party of their choice. It takes large amounts of money to run even a local campaign.
An American citizen SHOULD … Express opinions to elected officials Citizens can write Congressional offices Making a phone call is also OK is possible too.
An American citizen SHOULD … Participate in civic groups such as the Lions Club, Kiwanis, or American Legion.
An American citizen SHOULD … Know his or her legal rights according to the Constitution. Be familiar with the Court System.