Unit Organizer I am a Scientist Language Arts: Children’s Books Science Journal Math Thinking Skills: Sorting and Classifying Career Exploration: Special Scientists: Meteorologist, Zoologist, Oceanographer Science: States of Matter, Weather, Water Cycle, Magnetism, Animals, Scientific Process Skills Creativity : Science Art Group Dynamics &Communication Skills
Meet Sybil the Scientist A scientist is a very special person. One of the things Sybil does is make careful observations of the world around her. Observation is a fancy word for looking at things. But a scientist does not just look at things. Sybil uses all five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and sometimes tasting. She carefully records the information, which she calls data, in her Science Journal. As Sybil experiments, she asks questions and makes predictions about what might happen. She tries to notice details in order to sort, measure, and classify the information into groups. Finally, she tests her predictions and writes or draws any observations in her Science Journal. Although Sybil’s predictions may not always by true, she keeps trying because scientist like to have fun. Sybil’s laboratory coat has many pockets filled with her most important objects. One of the objects she always carries with her is a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass allows Sybil to observe objects more closely. What are some of the other objects Sybil carries? Can you think of some reasons why Sybil carries these items in her pockets? Story and character adapted from Primary Education Thinking Skills
Science Tools Magnifier RulerScales Scientists write or draw what they observe in a Science Journal. Source for Pictures