Who am I? Created by Rachael Lewis for the music program of Swain County Schools Music Composed by Schumann and Performed by Mrs. Lewis in 1999.
I am your teacher………………
I am …… Saved, redeemed by the grace of Jesus A Wife A Mother of Three Young Children A Sister A Daughter A Friend
I am….. Creative Adventurous Grateful Determined Excited Energetic A Dreamer
I Am….. A pianist A gardener A Cook A guitar player A Director A Teacher A Biker A Swimmer A Fisher A cleaner A church member A painterA writer A Reader An organizer
I am From……. I am From Mountains, Water and Sky From Rich earth, loam, Happy and I I am From God, From His gentle breath Alive in His Spirit, He’ll Claim Me at Death. I am a mother, tender of heart, With gentle hands, Never to Part I am a wife, yielded and still, With laundry, dishes, cleaning and meals. I am from music, sweet and free, Vibrant and Joyful, God’s gift to me.
I Bring…… I bring a gift to YOU, my students. What do I bring? I bring, to Share, God’s gifts to me. I am love, patience, smiles and humor. I bring music, knowledge, the love of sound, the joy of self expression, freedom from the expectations of the ordinary.
I love to swim, diving into the cold, icy glass, seeing the fish smiling at me, in a green world all my own.