What is a robot?? By: Kyle M.
What does it do?? A robot can do a number of things and mainly depends on what you want it to do and what your robot is physically made to do. Some robots are made for a specific purpose and can do its jump and only its job, but some are robots that are way more advanced and can do many more things than a single task robot. A robot can do anything you tell it to and telling the robot to do something is the fun and some times time consuming and tricky to figure out. Building it is fun because you can build it into anything you want it to look like or just wind it and build it to where it at least does its job.
What does it look like?? A robot can look like any thing and are very command some robots can look a way the builder wants it to or some just build it to do what they want it to. They can look how ever they or you want it to.
What I consider a robot I consider a robot anything that can do a task that can be told when and how to do something.