Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
Chaucer’s Life Born to a middle class family. His father was a wine merchant who believed his child should have a formal education. He became a page to an important family and was so respected that when he was captured as a soldier during the Hundred Year’s was, a king paid his ransom.
Chaucer was one of the first writers to be buried in the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey.
What is an allegory? A story win which the character, settings, and events stand for abstract or moral concepts. It has a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. Popular in the Middle Ages.
About the Story Several pilgrims are traveling from Southwark to Canterbury to visit the Shrine of Saint Thomas Becket. The people come from all layers of society. They decide to entertain themselves to kill time and tell each other stories while riding on their horses. Thus, The Canterbury Tales are born.
Tales incomplete It was originally intended that each character in the story tell four tales (two on the way to Canterbury and two coming back) If this had happened, there would have been a possible 120 total stories. That would have been way more than the 24 stories actually written.
Prologue Group is on its way to the holy shrine of St. Thomas ă Becket –Archbishop of Canterbury opposed Henry II over the balance between royal and religious power was murdered in the cathedral –Considered a martyr and later made a saint –His blood was held to contain great curative qualities, restoring health to the sick
Pilgrimage Very popular to go on pilgrimage Pilgrims often want to Rome or Jerusalem Canterbury Cathedral: shrine to Thomas a BecketCanterbury Cathedral
Historic Elements Thomas à Becket was murdered because he refused to appease Henry II by petitioning Rome to get rid of the ecclesiastic courts – or at least to put Henry in charge of them. Thomas is considered a martyr for the Church and was almost immediately canonized. Twelve miracles quickly came to light that he had performed, which are presented in beautiful stained glass windows in the cathedral.* By the time Chaucer is writing The Canterbury Tales, about 200 years later, society is not exactly so pious…
Pilgrimages Cont. Reasons –Hope of heavenly reward –Penance –Pubs People went in groups for safety Holy Relics
Pilgrim descriptions Show social rank Show moral and spiritual condition Include many of the following –Physiognomy –Clothes (array) –Work –Hobbies –Food –Humor